
校园景观论文:校园景观 环境心理学 景观设计


【英文摘要】The earthquake of May 12th 2008 flattened the Beichuan which is the only Qiang autonomous countries of china. The earthquake killed more than 20000 people and economy suffers great lost.The leaders of country attached great importance to Beichuan post-disaster reconstruction work. Premier Wenjiabao said in return to Beichuan investigation

“must rebuilding a new Beichuan.” So the Beichuan middle school post-disaster reconstruction also cause for concern.Environmental Psychology emerged in the 1960s as a discipline which research the relationship between human and environmental.Its theories of landscape design has an important guiding role.In this background and circumstances.this paper analyzes the principle of

environmental psychology related the application in landscape design. And it also combined with actual engineering projects. It makes some exploration for Environmental Psychology related principles in the practical application of landscape design.This paper based on the Beichuan middle school in Sichuang Province as the research object., Combining by the theoretical analysis and practical application. The design of Beichuan middle school from the perspective of environmental consciousness experience, intentionality and identity,the territoriality and privacy of space.and simulation the landscape effect and the spatial pattern of the

computer.Because the landscape design has some subjectivity, it is hoped be helpful for the landscape design of Beichuan middle school through the discussion of this paper.

【关键词】校园景观 环境心理学 景观设计

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【英文关键词】campus landscape environmental psychology landscape design



1 绪论8-10

1.1 研究背景8

1.2 研究


1.3 研究的目的与意义9-101.4 研究的内容

1.5.2 实地考察

1.5 研究方法101.5.1 文献综合法10

1.5.3 计算机辅助设计法102.1 环境心理学的概念10-11

2 环境心理学的理论基础2.2 环境心理学中重要的

2.2.2 环境

3 中学


2.2.1 环境知觉与环境认知11-12

2.2.3 个人空间、私密性与领域性13


3.1 国内中学校园景观的发展

3.1.2 我国近代校园


3.1.1 古代校园景观的发展13-16

景观的发展16-193.2 国外中学校园景观的发展19-23


3.2.2 中世纪时期与文艺复兴时期

4 基于环境心理学原理的

3.2.3 近代校园的发展22-23


4.1 具有良好知觉体验的景观设计

4.1.2 听觉25

4.1.3 嗅觉4.2 可意象性与可

4.1.1 视觉24-254.1.4 触觉26

4.1.5 动觉26-27

识别性的景观设计27-294.2.1 可意向性与可识别性景观的概念

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