
Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now


本单元以天气及衣着话题为载体,以一般过去时为主线,通过对话让学生学习和掌握be动词一般过去式的用法及如何借助句型It was ?just now. Oh, it’s?last night, they are still there. Was/Were there a?? Yes, there was/were. No, there wasn’t/weren’t.对事物的过去和现在对比描述。

本单元的教学设计共分为四个课时。第一课时以Part A中的Let’s learn 部分中的词汇教学为主,教师在这部分的教学中要注意将语言融入情境中,从而体现语言的真实性:第二课时以Part A中的Let’s talk部分中的会话为主要内容,通过对话学习掌握一般过去时中be动词的肯定形式was和were,同时培养学生生活要有条理的意识: 第三课时以Part B中的Let’s learn more 部分中的对话为主,让学生学习和掌握There be句型的一般过去式形式及一般过去式中be 动词的否定形式wasn’t和weren’t,并能运用所学知识对事物进行对比性的描述。第四课在综合复习本单元重难点的基础上,通过相应的练习,针对学生对本单元的重点词汇和重点句型的掌握进行全面检测。具体课时分配情况见下表:

Unit 4课时分配 课时数 所包含的内容 Part A Warming-up: Look and choose

第一课时 Part A Let’s learn Part B Ask and answer Warming-up: Look, choose and write Part A Let’s talk 第二课时 Part B Let’s chant Let’s learn more Choose and fill in the blanks 第三课时 Part B Part B Look and say Listen and match 第四课时 Part C Order and act Read and put the things back 单元知识目标: 知识目标:


scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday 二、能听懂:会说、会读、会写、会用以下句型: 1. It was here just now. Oh, it’s behind the door.

2.It was in front of the house yesterday, but now it isn’t there.

3.Last night there were under your bed, look, they are still there.

4. Was/Were there a?? Yes, there was/were. No, there wasn’t/weren’t.

5. I have to go now.



Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now

共有 4课时 第1课时


It Was Here Just Now



scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots,school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday 2.能在实际生活中灵活运用以上词汇。


scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots,

school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday



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