




(A) 2006年10月25日 (B) 2007年1月1日 (C) 2007年7月1日 (D) 2007年10月1日

UCP600 will come into force on________

(A) Oct.25, 2006 (B) Jan.1, 2007 (C) Jul.1, 2007 (D) Oct.1, 2007 答案 C

2007年7月1日UCP600实施;2006年10月25 日为UCP600在国际商会银行委员会会议上获准通过的时间。

2、一通过SWIFT电文MT700格式开立的信用证显示:收报日期070702, 发报日期070629,40E场适用规则为UCP LATEST VERSION,该信用证适用的规则是________

(A) UCP600 (B) UCP500 (C) UCP400 (D) ISBP-ICC Publication 645

A SWIFT L/C in form of MT700 shows: Date of receipt of SWIFT msg: 070702, Date of dispatch of SWIFT msg: 070629, Field 40E applicable rules: UCP LATEST VERSION

This L/C should be subject to __________ (A) UCP600 (B) UCP500 (C) UCP400 (D) ISBP-ICC Publication 645 答案 B

按照SWIFT 的7系列报文40E场的使用规则,该信用证适用的是开证日当天生效的UCP。因此,在7月初收到来证时必须注意31C场的时间。特别是通过710电文转通知的信用证,尤其需要注意。对于先收到简电、后收到通过信件方式寄送的信用证全文时,如难以确定所使用的UCP版本,则需发电证实。





(C)在信用证中明示受UCP最新版本约束,自然按UCP600处理 (D)在信用证中不明示受何种规则约束,自然按UCP500处理

If a customer requests that the L/C is subject to UCP500 in his application after UCP600 is in effect, you (as the issuing bank) should_______

(A)discourage the applicant, telling him that the issuance of a L/C subject to UCP500 is prohibited at that time.

(B)issue the L/C according to the applicant’s request, reminding him that UCP600 has been in effect.

(C)indicate “subject to UCP latest version” in the L/C, consequently the L/C is subject to UCP600

(D)issue the L/C without indicating what kind of rules the L/C is subject to, consequently the L/C is subject to UCP500 答案 B



(A) 议付 (B) 承付 (C) 即期付款 (D) 回购

Bank A issues an usance L/C which is available with Bank B only by negotiation. The beneficiary presents documents to Bank A via another bank within the stipulated period. Bank A should _____ this complying presentation. (A) negotiate (B) honour

(C) make sight payment (D) discount the bill drawn on itself 答案 B


5、开证行发出函开信用证次日发现L/C有缮打错误,立即向通知行补发电文(SWIFT MT799)更正。以下哪种说法正确?____





An issuing bank finds typing error on the next day of dispatching a mailed L/C, and sends out a SWIFT message in MT799 to the advising bank to modify it. Which comment on the modification is correct? ______

(A) This message of modification, as an integral part of the credit, is valid provided that it reaches the advising bank prior to the arrival of mailed L/C.

(B) This message of modification is valid provided that it reaches the advising bank prior to the arrival of mailed L/C, and is advised the beneficiary together with the mailed L/C by the advising bank.

(C) The effectiveness of the modification is as the same as an amendment to the L/C. The Beneficiary has right to reject it.

(D) This message of modification is valid provided that it is advised to the beneficiary prior to the presentation of documents made by the beneficiary. 答案 C



(A) 依据B银行所在国规定情况 (B) 是

(C) 否 (D)依据A银行和B银行证外另行签署的协议

Bank A issues a L/C which is available with Bank B by deferred payment. Bank B makes the deferred payment undertaking to beneficiary upon beneficiary’s complying presentation. Bank A notices Bank B that the documents are accepted. Prior to the maturity, Bank B makes payment to beneficiary before maturity at the request of beneficiary. Whether the action of Bank B is protected by UCP600 or not. _________ (A) it depends on the stipulation of the country which Bank B located (B) yes (C) no

(D) it depends on the agreement made by Bank A and Bank B outside the L/C 答案 B


7.一份远期信用证限制A银行议付并由该行加具保兑。一旦A银行加保,收到受益人相符交单和议付申请书时,A银行_________: (A)承诺到期付款并于到期日付款,不予议付

(B)可以根据交单时融资额度等情况自主决定是否议付 (C)必须无追索权地议付 (D)必须有追索权地议付

A usance credit is available with Bank A only by negotiation. Bank A has added his confirmation at request of the issuing bank. On receipt of a complying presentation and the application for negotiation from the beneficiary, Bank A______

(A)must undertake to pay at maturity and will pay at maturity, without negotiation. (B)may negotiate the documents at its own discretion according to some factors,

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