
1 摘 要 随着我国市场经济的持续发展中小企业已经成为国民经济的重要组成部分而由于中小企业内外存在的种种原因管理的发展已经落后于企业的发展需要。企业的发展根本取决于人而人的发展取决于人的积极性和潜能的发挥。因此调动员工的积极性最大限度地发挥员工的潜力为企业所用成为企业人力资源管理的一项重要任务。然而,目前在很多中小企业中,员工激励工作开展异常艰辛,企业付出了大量心血,却仍然不能留住员工,高居不下的流失率,低的员工满意度和工作热情让很多经营者百思不得其解。因此对于广大中小企业而言如何有效激励员工也就成为一个十分重要的问题,需要解决。本文写作的目的就是为中小企业激励这块提出一些可行的措施为其发展提供一些理论帮助和支持。 本文对中小企业员工激励问题进行了理论到实践的广泛研究,首先介绍了中小企业作为我国现代产业结构中最具活力的一种企业形态,在我国的经济发展中都起着不可替代的作用,如何有效激励员工也就成为一个十分重要的问题。其次阐述了员工激励的内涵,包括激励的概念、特点、过程和功能,分析了中小企业的特性;然后分析了目前中小企业员工激励在考核依据、人本管理理念和企业文化及氛围方面存在的问题及成因;最后针对前面提出的问题就中小企业如何实施有效员工激励提出了几点建议。 关键词; 激励,有效激励,中小企业 2 Abstract With the sustainable

development of the market economy of our country small and medium-sized enterprises have already become the important component of national economy and all sorts of reasons to exist inside and outside small and medium-sized enterprises the development of management has already lagged behind the development needs of enterprises. The development of enterprises depends on people at all and peoples development depend on peoples enthusiasm and full play of latent energy. So arouse the enthusiasm of staff give play to the staffs potentiality to use and become an important task of enterprises manpower resources management by enterprise to the maximum extent. However in a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises at present the staff encourage the work to launch the unusual hardships enterprises have paid a large amount of energies but still cant keep the staff here can not occupy the running off rate left high low staff have hospitable satisfaction and work to let a lot of operators can not understand after repeated thinking. So as to vast small and medium-sized enterprises how to encourage the staff to become a very important problem effectively need solving . The purpose of the writing of this text is to encourage this to put forward some feasible measures for small and medium-sized enterprises offer some theory help for developing

in it and support. This text encourages the question to carry on the extensive research to practice of the theory to the staff of small and medium-sized enterprises it is the foreword at first introduce small and medium-sized enterprises as one kind of most vibrant enterprises 3 forms in the modern industrial structure of our country play an irreplaceable role in economic development of our country how to encourage the staff to become a very important problem too effectively. Secondly has explained the intension that the staff encourage including the concept characteristic course and function encouraged have analyzed the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises Then analyzed that the staff of small and medium-sized enterprises encourage the existing problem and origin cause of formation in examining the basis peoples management idea and corporate culture and atmosphere at present How to implement to effective staff and encourage proposing some suggestions to direct against the question that put forward above on small and medium-sized enterprises finally. Key words: motivation Effective motivation small and medium-sized enterprises I 目

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1 ....................................................... 2 1.1 员工激励理

论.................................................... 2 1.1.1 员工激励的概念及特点 ........................................ 2 1.1.2 激励的心理过程及功能 ........................................ 4 1.2 中小企业特性分析................................................ 6 1.2.1 中小企业的界定 .............................................. 6 1.2.2 中小企业特性分析 ............................................ 7 ......................... 8 2.1 目前中小企业员工激励中存在的问题................................ 8 2.1.1 激励缺乏考核依据 ............................................ 8 2.1.2 激励缺乏人本管理理念 ........................................ 9 2.1.3 激励缺乏良好的企业文化和企业氛围 ............................ 9 2.2 成因分析....................................................... 10 2.2.1 激励不足和激励过度 ......................................... 11 2.2.2 对激励理论的片面理解 ....................................... 11 2.2.3 中国传统社会形态下的不良现象 ............................... 12 .............................. 12 II 3.1 确立以经济利益为核心的激励机制 ............................... 12 3.2 对人力资本的权利与地位进行激励办法 ........................... 13 3.3 人力资本的企业文化激励办法 ................................... 14 .......................................................... 15 ..............................................................

18 ............................................................ 20 1 浅析中小企业员工激励问题 引言 人力资源是现代企业的战略性资源也是企业发展的最关键的因素而激励是人力资源管理的重要内


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