
文件名称:BRC巧克力及其制品HACCP计划 版次:B2

文件编号:HACCP-752-02 更新日期:2017-06-21 第1页 共36页


Chocolate and Chocolate product HACCP

第一部分:一般信息和产品描述Part one: Profile and general product description 1、一般资料 Profile

企业名称:ABC食品(深圳)有限公司 Company: ABC Food (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 企业地址: Address:


See for raw material description. 3、产品描述 Product description


Product type: chocolate and chocolate products b配料:巧克力 香精 色素及其他填充物

Ingredients: chocolate, flavorings, colors and other materials


origin of material:chocolate (Singapore),flavor(China, Britain), pigment(Germany, USA, China), other(china)


features: solid sweet food, moisture content≤1% e保质期:12个月 shelf life: 12 months

f包装方式: 塑料袋装或纸盒装 packaging: plastic bag or paper box

g销售和贮存条件: 卫生、阴凉避光、干燥、通风良好、温度19±4℃、湿度≤60% sales and storage: stored in hygiene, dry and cool place, with good ventilation, away from sunlight, temperature: 19±4℃, humidity: ≤60%

h预期用途:直接食用 usage: Ready to eat i消费对象:普通大众(过敏人群除外)

Oriented consumer: public population (except people with allergies.)

文件名称:BRC巧克力及其制品HACCP计划 版次:B2

文件编号:HACCP-752-02 更新日期:2017-06-21 第2页 共36页

Allergen risk assessment 过敏原风险评估

The following allergens were assessed as a possibility of risk contamination from ABC Food 以下过敏原评估是对ABC食品有限公司的污染可能性进行的评估。 Risk风险 Risk Assessment风险评估 Control Measures控制措施 Milk Milk cross contamination occurs at Milk labelled on all packaging chocolate manufacture stage before 所有包装上都有牛奶标签。 牛奶 chocolate is delivered to ABC food Level of risk not yet assessed by FSA. Not considered a risk due to labeling 牛奶交叉污染发生在巧克力发到ABC之前的巧克力生产阶段。FSA还没有对其风险等级进行评估。由于标签,不认为是一个风险。 Soya Soya Lecithin used in all chocolate and Soya labelled on all packaging. chocolate flavour products. Not 所有包装上都有大豆标签。 大豆 considered a risk due to labelling. 所有巧克力以及巧克力风味的产品中使用的大豆卵磷脂。由于标签,不认为是一个风险。 Fish and fish product includes No Fish products containing raw material Raw material specification check mollusk and fish oil will be used onsite, the risk assessed as 原材料说明检查 鱼和鱼产品,包括软体动物和鱼low 现场不会使用含有鱼产品的原材料,风油 险等级评为低级。 Egg and egg product No egg products containing raw material Raw material specification check will be used onsite, the risk assessed as 原材料说明检查 蛋类和蛋类产品 low 现场不会使用含有蛋类产品的原材料,风险等级评为低风险。 Cereals containing gluten and Potentially fatal in respect gluten All packaging contains a gluten their product, namely wheat, rye, sufferer, Only gluten presents on site warning as products are not suitable barley, oats, spelt, and their therefore assessed as high risk for gluten allergy sufferers. gluten hybridized strains 对麸质过敏者有潜在的致命风险。现场containing products named as such 含有麸质的谷类及其产品,也就有麸质,因此风险等级评为高风险。 and warning on pack. “Contains gluten” 是小麦,黑麦,大麦,燕麦,斯All Non gluten products are 佩尔特小麦,以及他们的杂交品considered at risk of Cross 种。 Contamination so carry a:- “May contain traces of gluten” Or equivalent warning. 所有产品包装上有麸质过敏警告,因为产品不适合麸质过敏者食用。含有麸质的产品在包装上有警告“含有麸质”。所有不含麸质的产品被认为有交叉污染的风险因此包装上有“可能含有微量麸质”或类似的警告。 Crustacea and crustacea product No crustacea products containing raw Raw material specification check material will be used onsite, the risk 原材料说明检查 甲壳纲动物及其产品 assessed as low 文件名称:BRC巧克力及其制品HACCP计划 版次:B2

文件编号:HACCP-752-02 更新日期:2017-06-21 第3页 共36页

现场不使用含有甲壳纲动物产品的原材料,风险等级为低风险 No sesame products containing raw material will be used onsite, the risk assessed as low 现场不适用含有芝麻产品的原材料,风险等级为低风险 Potentially fatal in respect of sulphites sufferer. Sulphites content were tested for specific raw material before delivery, reject if more than 10mg/kg, therefore assessed as low risk 对亚硫酸盐过敏者有潜在致命风险。在特定原料发货前对其亚硫酸盐的含量进行测试,如果含量超过10mg/kg,则拒收,因此风险等级为低风险 Potentially fatal in respect of nut allergy sufferers. Almond, hazel nuts are used on site, therefore assessed as high risk 对坚果过敏者有潜在致命风险,现场有用杏仁和榛子,因此风险等级为高风险 Sesame seed 芝麻 Raw material specification check 原材料说明检查 Sulphites 亚硫酸盐 Raw material specification check Certificate of Analysis Inwards good Analysis 分析证书 内部货物分析 Tree nuts 坚果 Peanuts 花生 Potentially fatal in respect of peanut allergy sufferers, therefore assessed as high risk 对花生过敏者有潜在致命风险,因为风险等级为高风险 Molluscs and products thereof 软体动物及其产品 No Molluscs products containing raw material will be used onsite, the risk assessed as low All packaging contains a nut warning as products are not suitable for Nut Allergy sufferers. Nut containing products named as such and warning on pack. “Contains Nuts” All Non nut products are considered at risk of Cross Contamination so carry a:- “May contain traces of nuts” Or equivalent warning. 所有包装上有坚果过敏警告,因为产品不适合坚果过敏者食用。含有坚果的产品在包装上有警告“含有坚果”,所有不含有坚果的产品被认为存在交叉污染的风险因此有“可能含有微量坚果”或类似的警告。 All packaging contains a peanut warning as products are not suitable for peanut allergy sufferers. Peanuts containing products named as such and warning on pack. “Contains peanuts” Contamination so carry a:- “May contain traces of peanuts” Or equivalent warning. All Non peanut products are considered at risk of Cross 所有包装上有花生过敏警告,因为产品不适合花生过敏者食用。含有花生的产品在包装上有警告“含有花生”,所有不含有花生的产品被认为存在交叉污染的风险因此有“可能含有微量花生”或类似的警告。 Raw material specification check 原材料说明检查

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