2014年高考复习英语语法专题训练( 标准答案): 讲状语从句



1.She always sings as she walks.( ) 2.I waited until he had finished his work.( )

3.It was not long before he told me about this affair.( ) 4.He has worked very hard since he entered the factory.( ) 5.She didn't come to school because she was ill.( )

6.As he did not know much English, he looked up the word in the dictionary.( )

7.Now that I've told you twice, you must know it.( ) 8.Once he says that, he will do it.( )

9.Unless I receive the letter from him, I won't write to him again.( ) 10.So long as you work hard, you are sure to succeed.( )

11.Though we were neither very big nor very strong, we were a good team.( )

12.No matter who she is, she'll have to wait.( ) 13.Poor as he was, he was honest.( )

14.It also shows you the caller's telephone number in order that you can recognize who it is.( )

15.He was so excited that he could not say a word.( ) 16.He works as hard as he used to.( ) 17.You must do as I told you.( ) 二、在空白处填入恰当的连词完成句子

1.I haven't heard from him ________________ he went to America. 2.He won't be here ________________ he is invited.

3.He will not go to the cinema ________________ he is very busy. 4.We found the key ________________ she had left it.

5.We found the books two days ________________ he had gone away. 6.We had no sooner got to the station ________________ the train left. 7.He speaks English ________________ he were an Englishman. 8.He is explaining clearly ________________ they could understand. 9.Do not leave the room ________________ you have finished the test. 10.She sang ________________ she went along.

11.He was about to go to bed ________________ the door bell rang.

12.They were watching the World Cup ____________ suddenly the lights went out. 13.They had just arrived home ________________ it began to rain. 14.________________ I could get in a word, the tailor had measured me. 15.He remained there ________________ she arrived. 16.She won't go to bed ________________ he returns home. 17.It has been 3 years ________________ we last met.

18.The thief was caught ________________ he was stealing in the supermarket. 19.________________ time goes on, it's getting warmer and warmer. 20.The sun came out soon ________________ the storm stopped. 21.He had no sooner started out ________________ he felt homesick. 22.________________ you begin, you must continue. 三、用所给的连词翻译句子

1.地震一发生,政府立即采取措施去帮助当地的人。(no sooner...than...) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.雨下得很大,结果运动会被推迟了。(so that)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3.尽管互联网对我们有益,但它也会给我们带来危害。(while)


_____________________________________________________________________ 4.一旦你理解了这一点,理解别的内容就没有困难了。(once)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5.她慢慢长大,才逐渐明白父母为她所做的一切。(as)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6.除非他改变主意,要不然他不会加入我们的。(unless)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7.他一心一意学习,为了以后能够考取北京大学。(in order that)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.无论我们遇到什么困难,我们都可以克服。(whatever)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 四、语篇填空


In my opinion, we can't leave today's work for tomorrow, (1)________ tomorrow

we have different things to do.(2)________ we leave today's work for tomorrow, (3)________ we'll have some other work, we'll gradually pile up too many things and will never get them done.Only the people without determination and will-power will find all kinds of excuses for delaying the things (4)________ they should have done today.(5)________ (此外), (6)________ we get into the bad habit of leaving today's work for tomorrow, we will easily become lazy.

As we have a lot of things to learn and different homework to do every day, we can't afford to waste time.(7)________ (因此), the earlier we plan our time and get down to

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