

完形每日一练 1

When I was young, I was very embarrassed(尴尬)to be seen with my father. He was disabled and very short, and he 34 with great difficulty. When we walked together, with his hand on my arm for balance, people would 35 . I would be nervous about the unwanted 36 .

It was 37 for us to walk in step, and because of that, we didn‘t say much as we went

38 . But as we started out, he always said, ―You set the pace(步幅). I will try to follow you.‖

Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work. He never missed a

day and would 39 it to the office even if others could not.

He 40 talked about himself as an unhappy man, nor did he show any envy(嫉妒)of the

more fortunate or able. What he 41 in others was a ―good heart,‖ 42 if he found one, the owner was good enough for him.

He has been gone many years now. I wonder if he felt I didn‘t 43 to be seen with him

during our walks. If he did, I am sorry I never told him how 44 I was. I think of him when I complain about life, when I envy another‘s good fortune, and when I don‘t have a ―good heart‖.

At such times I put my hand on his arm to get back my 45 , and say, ―You set the pace. I will try to follow you.‖ 34. A. walked 35. A. listen 36. A. invitation 37. A. possible 38. A. along 39. A. try 40. A. only 41. A. thought of 42. A. and 43. A. care 44. A. proud 45. A. luck

B. spoke B. look B. information B. important B. away B. get B. never

C. played C. talk C. expression C. difficult C. alone C. make C. once

D. studied D. stand D. attention D. necessary D. around D. keep D. also

B. learned about C. depended on D. looked for B. but B. enjoy B. nervous B. balance

C. now C. hate C. sorry C. chance

D. then D. like D. sad D. purpose


Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you meet? Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently(自信地)to every guest? And are you nervous about the idea of being at a social situation in another country? Don‘t worry—we can help you!

You needn‘t worry about situations like these if you have good social skills. And they are easy to learn. Here are a few ideas to help you. ◆Learn how to do small talk

Small talk is very important and prepares for more serious conversations. Be prepared! Have some low-risk(低风险) conversation openers ready. For example:

●think of a recent news story—not too serious, e. g. a story about a film star or sports star ●think of ―safe‖ things you can ask people‘s opinions about—music, sport, films, etc.

●think of topics that you would avoid if you were talking to strangers—and avoid talking about them! That way, you don‘t damage your confidence! ◆Develop your listening skills

Listening is a skill which most people don‘t have, but communication is a two-way process (过程)—it includes speaking and listening. Always remember—you won‘t impress(留下印象) people if you talk too much. Here are some ideas to make you a better listener: Do...

●show that you are listening by using encouraging noises and gestures——smiling, nodding, saying ―uh-huh‖ and ―OK‖, etc.

●keep good eye contact(交流)

●ask for more information to show your interest Don’t...

●look at your watch

●look away from the person who is talking to you ●change the subject

●finish other people‘s sentences for them

Always remember: Talk to a man about himself and he will speak to you for hours! ◆Learn the rules

If you go to a social situation in another country, remember that social rules can be different. In some countries, for example, you have to arrive on time at a party; in other countries, you don‘t need to. In most places, you don‘t have to take a gift to a party—but find out first! (336)

48.We can encourage the speaker to go on talking by ________.

A.saying― uh-huh‖ B.avoiding eye contact C.looking at the watch D.changing the subject 49.To develop our listening skills, we‘d better ________.

A.think of a news story about a sports star B.remember the social rules are different

C.look away from the person talking to us D.smile from time to time to show our interest 50.What does the underlined sentence tell you about people?

A.Men like to show off through stories. B.People are more interested in topics about themselves. C.Men are good at being good listeners. D.People will speak if they know each other very well. 51.Where might you read a passage like this?

A.In an English teaching book on how to help students talk. B.In a business course on how to make people happy. C.In a book which tells you what to do at social situations. D.In a book which helps you prepare for an opening talk.

完形每日一练 2

I was standing by the side of the road at 6:30 a.m. When the taxi took my 1 to the Philadelphia Airport, I was too 2 to speak. For the first time in my life, I was left my home by myself. I had no one to depend on and 3 knew how to get back to my dorm (宿舍) , for my mother used to take me to school in her car.

Luckily, I 4 in finding my way back safely. A few days later, I also made a few friends. However, I still felt alone. When I went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art with some of my friends, I was very 5 at the art, but they quickly ran past the art, heading towards the free food instead. And I wanted to work 6 the university newspaper, but 7 of my friends wanted to go to the information meeting for the newspaper.

I 8 to attend the meeting by myself. Going alone wasn‘t as frightening as I had imagined. In fact, no one seemed to 9 or care! I could leave when I felt like leaving. It wasn‘t bad at all! Although I am beginning to feel more comfortable about 10 on myself, I am not planning to cut off myself from the rest of the ___11___. I still call home twice a day. Because no matter how independent (独立) I may become, I will always need people to 12 my life with. 1. A. mother B. teacher C. friend D. classmate 2. A. nervous B. happy C. sorry D. sad 3. A. nearly B. only C. hardly D. quickly 4. A. tired B. suffered C. failed D. succeeded 5. A. relaxed B. excited C. worried D. tired 6. A. as B. for C. to D. with 7. A. none B. some C. many D. all 8. A. wanted B. expected C. decided D. hated 9. A. enjoy B. find C. interest D. notice 10. A. getting B. depending C. putting D. turning 11. A. world B. life C. family D. university 12. A. spend B. help C. share D. keep


A worldwide food shortage is getting more and more serious for the lives of millions.

The period of cheap food is over. In Cameroon, 24 people have been killed in food riots(暴乱)since February. In the past month, there have been food riots in eight other countries.

Ban Ki-Moon said that higher food prices risked(冒险)sweeping away progress towards solving poverty(being poor)problems and could harm the world‘s growth and safety.


The rise in the price of crops may result from many things. For example, the sudden need of food crops for use in biofuels(生物燃料), in both Europe and the United States. The rice growing land in countries such as the Philippines is being lost to industrialization and urbanization(城市化), while the growing need for meat and dairy products is leading farmers to give up rice growing. Flooding and cold weather in riceproducing countries have also hit production.


The food price rise hits the poor hardest. Food makes up about 10 to 20 percent of home spending in developed countries, but as much as 60 to 80 percent in developing countries.

The World Food Programme has warned that we could be living in a world of food supply imbalances(不平衡)until 2010 at least.


In the short term, farmers in the developed world are likely to be attracted(吸引)by high prices and try to grow more crops. The signs are that Europe‘s farmers will grow 13 percent more crops this year.

In the developing world, things are less certain, because the poorest in Africa and India have been selling their tools and their animals just to buy food.

For the poorest, recovery(恢复)is more difficult and help will be needed. The balance will finally be repaired—nearly half of the world‘s possible fanning land is unused. (312) 48.What worldwide problem is the passage talking about?

A.There‘re food riots in nine countries.

B.24 people have been killed since February. C.There‘s no enough food for millions of people.

D.Industrialization makes people give up rice growing. 49.Which is NOT the cause of food price rises?

A.Developed countries need crops for biofuels. B.Urbanization uses more farming land. C.Bad weather makes less food production. D.The farmers don‘t like to grow rice.

50.In most Chinese families, ________ percent of the home spending is on food.

A.10 B.20 C.30 D.70 51.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Europe‘s farmers will become much richer because of higher prices. B.The higher food prices may harm the world‘s growth and safety.

C.The food supply problem will disappear soon in the poorest countries. D.We need buy and store much food for the future at the moment.

完形每日一练 3

A white woman, about fifty years old, got on the plane and found her seat next to a black man. She was not happy with this so she 34 the airhostess (a woman who serves food on a plane).

Soon the hostess came. ―Madam, what is the matter?‖ she asked.

―You obviously do not see it then?‖ the woman said. ―You placed me next to a 35 . I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a disgusting (unpleasant) group. Give me a different 36 .‖

―Be calm, please,‖ the hostess said. ―Almost all the seats on this flight are taken. 37 will

go to see if another place is available.‖ The hostess went away and then came back a few minutes 38 . ―Madam, just as I thought, there are no 39 seats in the economy class(经济舱). I spoke to the captain and he told me that there is 40 no free seat in the business class. But we have one seat in the first class.‖ 41 the woman could say anything, the hostess 42 . ―It is not usual for our company to allow someone from the economy class to sit in the first class. However, the captain feels that it would not be good to make someone sit 43 someone so disgusting.‖ She 44 to the black man, and said. ―For that reason, Sir, if you would like to, please take your bag 45 a seat is waiting for you in the first class.‖ At the moment, the other people in the plane stood up and hit their hands together and cheered. 34. A. asked 35. A. young lady 36. A. ticket 37. A. She 38. A. ago 39. A. free 40. A. already 41. A. When 42. A. went 43. A. behind 44. A. shouted 45. A. because

B. heard

C. called

D. told D. black man D. plane D. I D. after D. single D. also D. Before D. laughed D. next to D. turned D. though

B. pretty hostess C. white man B. seat B. He B. later B. good B. seldom B. Till B. left B. ahead B. pointed B. when

C. table C. You C. before C. small C. ever C. While C. continued C. opposite to C. walked C. while

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