人教版五年级英语下学期第二单元测试题 Unit 2单元检测(含答案)


姓名 班级 分数


(1)春天 ______________ (2)夏天 _______________ (3)秋天 ______________ (4)冬天 _______________ (5)季节 ______________ (6)哪一个 _______________ (7)最;极 ______________ (8)游泳 _______________ (9)放风筝 ______________ (10)滑冰 _______________ (11)堆雪人______________ (12)种树 _______________ (13)为什么______________ (14)因为 _______________ (15)睡觉 ______________


(1)always( ) (2)play with( ) (3)snow( ) (4)leaf( ) (5)up( ) (6)north( ) (7)Halloween( ) (8)Thanksgiving( ) A. 总是 B.感恩节 C.万圣节前夕 D.北方 E.雪 F.至;朝向 G.叶子 H.玩…… 3.为下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(9分) ( )(1)What's your favourite season,Chen Jie? ( )(2)Winter.

( )(3)Which season do you like best? ( )(4)I like winter best.

( )(5)Summer is good,but fall is my favourite season. ( )(6)I can make a snowman. ( )(7)Why do you like summer?

( )(8)Because I can swim in the lake.

( )(9)Because I can sleep a long time.


( )(1)A. sunny B.Sunday C.Monday ( )(2)A. much B.March C.math ( )(3)A. cool B.cold C.winter ( )(4)A. season B.like C. best




( )(1)A.I eat breakfast at 7:00. B.I eat dinner at 7:00.

( )(2)A.Mike often plays football. B.Mike often plays the piano. ( )(3)A.I like winter. B.I don't like winter.

( )(4)A.Spring is windy and warm. B.Spring is sunny and warm. ( )(5)A.I like swimming. B.I like skating. 7.听录音,补全对话。(每空0.5分,9分) A: What's your favourite ________ ? B: ________.

A: Why ________ you like ________ ?

B:Because I can ________ ________ ________ ________. Which ________ do you like ________? A: ________. B: Why?

A: Because I can ________ ________ ________ ________ and ________ ________ ________.

8.找出画线部分发音不同的选项。(5分) ( )(1)A.bear B.wear C.dear ( )(2)A.summer B.her C.winter ( )(3)A.best B.these C.she ( )(4)A.thank B.their C.thin ( )(5)A.why B.fly C.windy 9.找朋友。(2分)

(1) winter (2) fall (3) spring (4)summer a.春 b.夏 c.秋 d.冬 10.找朋友。(2分)

(1)fly kites (2) make a snowman (3) plant trees (4) go hiking a.去远足 b.植树 c.放风筝 d.堆雪人 11.选择题(6分)

(1)What's your favourite ________ ?

A.spring B.season C.best (2)I can play ________ snow.

A.with B.by C.about (3)________ Canada, I like fall best.

A.At B.To C.In (4)We go ________ north.

A.to B.up C.down (5)It's too cold ________ me.

A.with B.for C.about (6)The leaves ________ colourful.

A.is B.be C.are 12.对答如流。(5分)

( )(1)What would you like?

( )(2)When is the best time to go to Harbin? ( )(3)What's the weather like in fall? ( )(4)What can you do in Beijing?

( )(5)Which season do you like best?Why? A Summer. Because I can swim in the sea. B I can go to visit the Great Wall. C It's windy and cool. D I'd like some coffee. E It's winter.


(1)Which season do you like best?(写同义句)

_________________________________________________________________ (2)I wear my skirt. Which season is it?(回答问题)

_________________________________________________________________ (3)Why do you like spring?(英译汉)

_________________________________________________________________ (4)He climbs mountains on the weekend.(改为否定句)

_________________________________________________________________ 14.阅读短文,回答问题。(20分)

There are four seasons in a year. They're spring, summer, fall and winter. Spring comes in March. Mike likes spring best. Because he can plant trees with his family. But Amy doesn't like spring. She likes winter best. Because she can skate and play with snow. And she can also have snowball fights(打雪仗) with her friends. Winter comes in December. (1)How many seasons are there in a year?

_________________________________________________________________ (2)What's Mike's favourite season?

_________________________________________________________________ (3)Which season does Amy like best?

_________________________________________________________________ (4)Why does Amy like winter best?


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