

(3)作为公民或者个人,尽管生活的确充满了问题,我们还得在这些问题的基础之上做出一些决定。 (4)?

2) But neither the real difficulty of these decisions, nor their true and disturbing challenge to each individual, can often be communicated through the mass media.

(1) 但在媒体中却不常见到有反映做出这些决定的真实难度,也没有反映做出这些决定给他们带来的令人烦恼的难题。

(2) 但是,无论做出这些决定多么困难,无论它们对于每个人构成了多少真真意义上的,令人烦恼的挑战,它们都不可能通过大众传媒大到反映。 (3) ?

3) The disinclination to suggest real choice, which is to be found in the mass media, is not simply the product of a commercial desire to keep the customers happy.

(1) 媒体不愿给出明确答案不只时一种取乐于顾客的广告手段。

(2) 人们发现,媒体不愿意做出真真选择这种情况的出现不简单的是它取悦客户而采取的商业思想的产物。 (3) ?

4) The organs of the Establishment, however well-intentioned they may be, have a vested interest in insuring that the public boat is not violently rocked, and (they)will so affect those who work within the mass media (so) that they will be led insensibly towards forms of production which, though they go thorough the motions of dispute and inquiry, do not break through the skin to where such inquires might really hurt.

(1) 各种社会权力机构,尽管初衷可能是好的,都有自己的既得利益,确保社会的稳定,它们会设法影响新闻工作者,让他们不知不觉地做出的节目或写出的文章不痛不痒,不触及到问题的实质,虽然也装摸作样地搞些辩论和调查。

(2) 各种社会权力机构,无论初衷好坏,它们都有自己的既得利益,具体表现在它们要确保公众乘坐的大船不要剧烈晃动,它们就这样影响着大众传媒中工作的人员,目的在于让他们不知不觉地做出的节目或写出的文章不痛不痒,尽管这些文章也装摸作样地搞些辩论和调查,他们却不会刺破皮肤触及这些调查可能应当刺痛的地方。

(3) 各种社会权利机构,可能是好意,都由自己的既得利益而设法确保社会的相对稳定。

(4) ?

5) They will tend to move, when exposing problems, well within the accepted cliché—assumptions of democratic society, and (they) will tend neither radically to question (regarding) these clichés nor to make a distributing application of them (problems?) to features of contemporary life.

(1) 他们揭露问题往往只是在民主社会可以接受的老一套观点内进行。既不对这些老套的观点表示出一点过激的疑问,它把它们写到现代的专栏时也尽量不让个方面感到难堪。


1) Of the intrinsic(固有的, 内在的, 本质的) differences that separate American from English, the chief (differences) have their roots in the obvious disparity(不一致,) between the

environment and traditions of the American people since the seventeenth century and those (traditions) of the English.

(1) 许多本质的不同造成了美语从英语中分出来。而主要的不同是两种语言根植于两种完全不同的社会环境和文化传统。自十七世纪以来,美国人和英国人在这两个方面的差异十分明显。 (2)?

2) The latter have lived in a relatively stable social order, and it(social order)has impressed (influenced) upon their souls (and) their characteristic respect for what is customary and of good report.


3) Until the World War I brought chaos to most of their institutions, their whole lives were regulated; perhaps more than those of any other people save(except) the Spaniards, by a regard for precedent.

(1) 虽然第一次世界大战改变了他们大部分人的风俗习惯,但在这之前,他们的完全生活,或许比其它民族的生活,除了西班牙人,都受到先例的制约。

(2)直到第一次世界大战给他们的组织带来混乱,他们(英国人的)的整个生活才发生了变化;在此之前, 他们的生活比其它民族,除了西班牙人之外,更多地受到了先例的制约。


4) The Americans, though partly of the same blood, have felt no such restrain, and acquired no such habit of conformity.

(1) 而虽然美国人中有一部分的祖先是英国人,但他们没有这种约束。也没有这种一致性习惯的要求。

(2) 虽然美国人中有一部分人的血管中流着相同的血,他们并没有感到这种束缚,也没有形成一致性习惯。 (3) ?

5) On the contrary, they have plunged to(v. 投入) the other extreme, for the conditions of life in their country have put a high value upon the precisely opposite qualities of curiosity and daring(冒险的), and so they acquired that character of restlessness(不安于现状的), that impatience of forms(形式主义), that disdain (t.蔑视, 鄙弃)of the dead hand(旧势力), which now broadly marks(打上烙印,留下记号) them.

(1) 相反,他们走到了另外一个极端,因为他们国家的生活状态使得他们看重的是好奇和冒险这恰恰相反的品质,这样他们养成的是不安于现状,厌烦形式主义,蔑视旧势力的影响的个性。这些个性在他们身上普遍反映出来。 (2) ?

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