


A.英语句型转换(英语的句子类型有: 陈述句,包括肯定句和否定句;疑问句,)

一、肯定句变否定句: 句子中如有be (am, is, are),或情态动词can, must等, 在be或情态动词后加not。


1. I am a doctor I a doctor 2. The girs are students. The girs students. 3. Jane is a nurse Jane a nurse

4. He can play football. He play football.

5. We must go now. We go now.

如果句子中没有be (am, is ,are)或情态动词,只有行为动词原形,在动词前加don`t。如果行为动词是第三人称单数,在动词前加doesn’t,行为动词恢复原形。

1) .I have a book. I a book. 2). They like Chinese. They Chinese.

3). We come from China. We fromChina. 4).She has a small mouth. She a small mouth. 5).Maria likes China. Maria China.

6).Jane comes from th USA. Jane from the USA. 7). Maria comes from Cuba. Maria come from Cuba. 8). We know Maria. We know Maria.

二、肯定句变为一般疑问句 :句子中如有be动词(am, is, are),或情态动词can, must 等,则把它们提到句首 。注意: 肯定句变问句时,如果句子主语是一人称,要转变为二人称,即:I , we 变为 you;am变为are ; my 变为 your, our 变为 your。 练习:将下列句子变成一般疑问句

1. I am a teacher. a teacher? 2. The boys are students. students?

3. Jane is a girl. a girl? 4. He can play football. play football?

5. We must go now. go now?


1). I have a book . a book? 2). They like Chinese . they Chinese?

3).We speak Chinese. Chinese? 4). She has a friend. she a friend?

5) .Maria likes China. Maria China? 6). She knows Maria. she Maria?

7). Jane comes from the U.S.A. Jane from the U.S.A?

三、一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答: 肯定Yes , 代词+ be/助动词. 否定回答:No, 代词+be/助动词+not.


1. Are you a student? Yes, . No, .

2. Is Jane from China? Yes, . No, . 3. Are those books? Yes, . No , . 4. Is this an egg? Yes, . No , . 5. Do they like English? Yes, . No, . 6. Does Maria like China? Yes, . No, . 7. Do the boys come from the U.S.A? Yes , . No , .

B语法代词: 人称代词分主格和宾格。主格,在句子中作主语位于动词之前;宾格,在句子中作宾语或表语位于动词或介词之后。 物主代词表示所属关系,译为“...的”,通常分为形物和名物。形物通常位于名词之前充当名词的定语如果名词前还有其他的定语,物主代词要放在其他定语的前面。名物的用法相当于名词,其后不能再接名词。 练习一,用适当的人称代词填空:

1._____ (I, my )am a boy. 2. ______ (you, your)are Linda. 3. _____ (she, her)is Mary. 4. ____ (it, its)is my dog Wangwang.

5. (we, us)_____ are in Class Five. 6. (they,their)_____ are in Class Four.

7. They are friends. I love (they, them) . 8.Look at (my, me). Can you see (I, me)?

9. She is new, please help (she, her). 10.We can`t find our bags. Please help (us, we).


1. I’m Jack. ______ schoolbag is red. 2. He is Eric. This blue jacket is_____. 3. You are Mary. The black pencil is ______. 4. She is Grace. ____ cup is purple. 5. It is my dog. _name is Wangwang. 6.We are happy because friends are in China.

7. The boys are Chinese. names are Chinese names. 8. This is not my pen. That one is . 练习三,选词填空:

1. am a girl. name’s Jenny. (my, I ) 2. — What’s name? name is Jack. (he, his)

3. — Is Linda? (she, her) — No. name’s Grace. (she, her) 4. — Are Eric? (your, you) — Yes, am. (I, my)

5. — What’s name? (your, you) — name’s Bob. (I, my) 6. name’s Mike and name’s Gina. (her, his) 7. Jenny Brown . family name is Brown. (she`s, her)

8. Bob Hand. friend is Jim Green.(he`s ,his)9. Look at the books they`re (their, theirs).

10.This is not your room. That one is (your .yours) 名词:Noun(n)分为可数名词:countable noun(cn)和不可数名词:uncountable noun(un) 可数名词单数变复数的规则:

1. 一般情况直接加s friends aunts moms parents2.以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 结尾的加es: classes boxe swatches dishes

3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i 再加es: family-families dictionary-dictionaries keys boys days

4. 以 f 或 fe 结尾的改 f 或 fe为 v 再加 es:life-lives wife-wives scarf- scarves

5. 以o结尾的名词,有生命的事物加-es无生命的事物 加-s:photo-photos radio- radios tomato-tomatoes 5. 特殊情况,无规则可循,需牢记: man-men woman-women child-children sheep-sheep 名词在句中所作的成分:主语;宾语;表语;定语;等。 判断下列划线名词在句中所作的成分:

1. That boy is Chinese. 2. I love the women teachers . 3. I lost my pen. 4. Jenny plays ping-pong at school. 5. They are my friends 名词所有格:(Possessive Case of Noun)用于表示所属关系。构成方法: 1、单数词尾加\ 2、不以s结尾的复数名词词尾加\

3、以s结尾的名词词尾只“ ` ” 。 4、介词of 也可用于表示名词所有格。主要用于无生命的事物但注意其语序,试比较:the dog`s name/the name of the dog. 动词:Verbs(v) 分为连系动词:(Linking verb) 助动词:(Auxiliary verb)情态动词:(Modal verb) 实义动词:(Notional verb)

连系动词:(Linking verb)所学过的连系动词有be动词,其一般现在时态有三种变化形式:am, is, are。be动词之后可接名词,形容词,副词,代词,介词短语等充当句子的表语。be动词的使用随主语变化。

在课文中所学的句子:That sounds interesting!sound(听起来) 后面所接的词也是形容词,sound是连系动词吗?

be动词的用法: I (我)用am,you(你)用are, is用于he,she, it(他,她,它)。单数名词用is,复数名词皆用are。


1. Hello! I _______ Jack. 2. _______ her name Jenny? 3. What ______ your name? 4. My name _____ Wu Ming. 5. ______ you Ms. Smith? 6. Jim and Eric ____ in Class Five.

7. The boys Chinese. 8. You and I in No. Six Middle School. 情态动词:(Modal verb)用于表示说话者的语气、态度,不能单独使用,其后跟动词原形。句中有情态动词时,变否定句在其后家not,变问句把情态动词提到句首。

Eg: 1. I can speak English. 2. You must learn English. 3. Can you help me? 4. We can`t speak Japanese. 5.You mustn`t leave now. 实义动词:(Notional verb)用于表达主语的动作或状态的词,如:go ,take, play, like, have, look等。实义动词分为 及物动词Transitive verb(vt)和不及物动词 Intransitive verb(vi)。及物动

词之后要接宾语,不及物动词之后不接宾语,若需接宾语则必须先跟介词再接宾语 Eg: 1. I have a blue sweater. 2. She likes strawberries 3. Let`s think about the food. 4. I must look after my sister.

在一般现在时态里,实意动词用原形,当主语是单数三人称时,动词就用三单形式,即在动词后+“s/es”. have的三单形式是 ,do的三单形式是 。思考:当句中只有实义动词时,如何变否定句和一般疑问句?

形容词:Adjective(adj) 用于修饰名词,表示人或者事物的状态、特征。翻译为汉语时词尾带“...的”,Eg:


1.The orange is orange. 2. Music is relaxing. 3. She is a nice girl. 4. I like the

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