Unit 6 Narrative Writing
1 Teaching objectives:
In this unit, we’re going to:
A) Understand the basic principles of the narrative essay;
B) Read and analyze sample narrative essays and grasp their main features; C) Practice writing a narrative essay;
D) Practice using time transitions when writing narrative essays;
E) Have a try at past narration and present narration so that we can see the differences between the two;
F) Learn to improve revision skills.
2 Review
3 Principles of narrative writing
In this unit, we will focus on the narrative essay. To narrate is to tell a story or to give an account of a single experience or a series of related events. Narration often goes hand in hand with description. The experience or event may be in the past (past narration), may be what people usually do or may be going on now (present narration). To write the narrative essay, all we have to do is tell what happened / has happened / is happening in a coherent way.
4 Task 1 Read to learn about writing
Sample A My Sister’s Wedding
1)Read the following essay about a wedding, and pay attention to ● how the writer begins her narration; ● how she presents the events;
● what effect the dialogue at the end of the essay brings.
2) Learn the usage of time transitions:
“When”, as a conjunction, is used to introduce a time adverbial clause. e.g. She was only twenty when she had her first baby.
He was quite shocked when I told him about it. Usage:
“After” in the sample essay is used as a conjunction to indicate a time which is later than another event. It is often used in chronological narration.