江苏专用2018版高考英语二轮专题限时集训:11 单项填空 介词和介词短语(含解析)

专题限时集训(十一) 单项填空 介词和介



1.(2017·苏锡常镇高三三模)________individual players,we have a great team but

the problem is that they don't play football together well at all. A.On top of C.In terms of

B.By means of D.In case of

C [考查介词短语辨析。句意:就运动员个人而言,我们有一支很优秀的球队,可问题是他们在一起合作踢足球时却根本踢不好。on top of“此外,在……上面”;by means of“依靠……方法”;in terms of“在……方面,就……而言”;in case of“如果,假使”。]

2.(2017·连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)Any reform of the government should

be________the popular mood and times. A.in tune with C.in light of

B.in preference to D.in terms of

A [考查介词短语辨析。句意:政府的任何改革都应该与主流想法和时代潮流一致。in tune with与……一致;in preference to 优先于;in light of根据,鉴于,从……的观点;in terms of 在……方面,依据。]

3.(2017·苏州高三一模)Invest in yourself and hold on to your dreams.________,

stay with those who will encourage you to go on forward all the way. A.In fact C.In brief

B.In contrast D.In addition

D [考查介词短语辨析。句意:在你自己身上投资并坚持你的梦想。此外,还要和那些鼓励你一路上继续前行的人待在一起。根据句意,要用In addition“另外,此外”。In fact“事实上”;In contrast“与此相反,比较起来”;In brief“简单地说,简言之”,均不符合句意。]

4.(2017·苏州高三一模)________speed and flexibility,China's antiship missile

CM302 also has greater destructive power than others in the market. A.On the contrary to

B.Apart from C.On behalf of D.Little more than

B [考查介词短语辨析。句意:除了速度和灵活性之外,中国的反舰导弹CM302也比市场上其他的反舰导弹有更大的破坏力。根据句意,此处表示“除了……之外(还)”,故要用Apart from。on behalf of“代替,代表”,little more than“仅仅是……,几乎和……一样”。]

5.(2017·扬州高三一模)________all the work you're putting in,remember that you're

probably growing roots not fruit. A.For fear of C.Regardless of

B.Apart from D.In spite of

D [考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管你投入了所有的工作,但记住你很可能种植了根而得不到果实。in spite of“尽管”,符合语境。for fear of“唯恐,以免”;apart from“除了……之外(还有)”;regardless of“不管,不顾”。]

6.(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(考点卷一))The old couple are considering moving

to the country________its quietness and lower living costs. A.in view of C.in spite of

B.in terms of D.in face of

A [考查介词短语辨析。句意:鉴于那儿安静的环境和较低的生活费用,这对老夫妇正考虑移居到乡村去生活。in view of“鉴于,考虑到”;in terms of“就……而言”;in spite of“尽管”;in face of“面临”。]

7.(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(考点卷二))________the increasing number of

traffic accidents caused by drunk driving,tougher measures should be taken. A.In spite of B.In comparison with C.In view of D.In accordance with

C [考查介词短语辨析。句意:鉴于酒驾导致的交通事故不断增加,(人们)需要采取更严厉的措施。In spite of“尽管”;In comparison with“同……

相比”;In view of “鉴于,考虑到”;In accordance with“依据,按照”。] 8.(江苏省名校高三入学摸底卷(题型卷))And until they're made aware that that

offense is as serious as it is,they don't take it seriously________. A.above all C.at all

B.after all D.in all

C [考查介词短语辨析。句意:直到他们被迫意识到那起犯罪的严重性,他们才对其重视起来。at all可用在否定句中表示“根本不,一点也不”。above all“最重要的是”; after all“毕竟,终究”;in all“总共”。] 9.(2017·南京市四校第一学期联考试题) Good news is that most states have

adjusted the common law rules________the injured workers. A.on account of C.in favor of

B.on behalf of D.in honor of

C [考查介词短语辨析。句意:好消息是大部分州都对普通法规则作出了有利于受伤的工人的修改。in favor of“支持,有利于”,符合语境,故选C项。on account of“由于,因为”;on behalf of“代表……”;in honor of“为了纪念……”。]

10.(江苏省2017届高三第二学期六校联考)The central government attached great

importance to scientific innovations,made a series of major policies and adopted a number of plans________. A.in this honor C.in this regard

B.on the behalf D.on the event

C [考查介词短语辨析。句意:中央政府非常重视科学创新,制定了一系列重大政策,并在这方面采取了很多方案。in this regard“在这方面”,符合句意。]

11.(江苏省四星级学校2017年4月联考) The air conditioners are________,but

they have not been delivered. A.in place C.on order

B.on sale D.in order

C [考查介词短语辨析。句意:空调已在订购中,但尚未被送到。根据句中的“have not been delivered”可知,on order“在订购中”符合语境。in

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