

题 目: 液压台式虎钳的设计

英文题目:The design of hydraulic bench vice 学 院: 机电工程学院

专 业: 机械制造及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师:




作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日



作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日



液压传动设备一般由四大元件组成,即动力元件——液压泵;执行元件——液压缸和液压马达;控制元件——各种液压阀;辅助元件——油箱、蓄能器等。 液压阀的功用是控制液压传动系统的油流方向,压力和流量;实现执行元件的设计动作以控制、实施整个液压系统及设备的全部工作功能。



Abstract:Abstract: the movement of the hydraulic vice is a straight

reciprocating motion, it has higher speed, smooth movement, reversing precision and switching frequency requirements, due to the extensive use of hydraulic transmission. Hydraulic vise is used for auxiliary processing equipment of precision machines, there is a high requirement of the hydraulic system. The application of hydraulic technology as an emerging discipline, although a relatively short history, the speed of development is very alarming. Hydraulic equipment can transmit great force or torque and power unit weight is light, small structure size, under the same power, the size of the weight only about 10% to 20% of DC motor; fast reaction speed, accurate and stable, and can in a large range conveniently realize the stepless speed change; easy to realize power amplifier; easy to overload protection; can automatic lubrication, long service life and low manufacturing cost. Therefore, all the countries in the world have widely application in the defense industry, forging machinery, engineering machinery, machine tool industry, automobile industry, metallurgy industry, agricultural machinery, vessel traffic, railway vehicles and aircraft, tanks, missiles, rockets and radar.

Hydraulic transmission equipment generally consists of four components, namely, power components, hydraulic pump, actuator, hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors, control components, the various hydraulic valves; auxiliary components, oil tank, the accumulator. The hydraulic valve function is to control the hydraulic system oil flow direction, pressure and flow; all the work function is designed to realize the action components to control, implementation of the whole hydraulic system and equipment.

Keywords: Hydraulic vise, hydraulic transmission, mechanical function


目 录

摘 要 ............................................................. I Abstract ........................................................... II 1绪论 .................................................................... 1 1.1液压系统基础知识 ................................................. 1 1.2课题的来源与研究的目的与意义 ................................. 2 1.3液压系统简介 ..................................................... 3 1.4液压系统的基本组成 ............................................... 3 1.5液压传动优缺点 ................................................... 5 2液压虎钳的总体结构分析 ............................................ 7 2.1 液压虎钳的基本结构 ........................................... 8 2.2 液压夹紧系统的组成和特点 .................................... 8 2.3 液压虎钳的设计要求 .......................................... 8 2.3.1 设计液压夹具时需要考虑的问题 .......................... 9 2.4 液压虎钳动作循环分析 ........................................ 10 2.5 液压虎钳负载分析计算 ....................................... 11 2.5.1导轨的分析与摩擦力的计算 .............................. 12 2.5.2循环阶段受力分析与计算 ................................. 12 2.6 计算液压系统主要参数并编制工况图 ........................... 13 2.6.1预选系统设计压力 ...................................... 15 3液压系统的设计 ................................................... 16

3.1 制定液压回路方案 ........................................... 17 3.1.1油源形式及压力控制 ................................... 18 3.1.2调速回路.............................................. 19 4拟定液压系统图 ................................................... 19 4.1选择液压基本回路 ............................................ 20

4.2选择液压元件 ................................................ 20 5液压系统的性能验算 ............................................... 21

5.1液压系统的压力损失计算 ...................................... 21 5.2液压系统的热量温升计算 ...................................... 21 结论 ............................................................... 22 参考文献 ........................................................... 23 致谢 .................................................................... 24


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