2019-2020年九年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Language基础练习

2019-2020年九年级英语上北师大版Unit1 Language基础练习


1. The reporter said that the UFO east to west when he saw it. A. travels traveled

2. homework, some students do homework every day. A. As for

B. As

C. About

D. To

B. traveled

C. was traveling D. has

3. His father's bad habits made to him. A. different

B. a difference

C. differences

D. difference

4. I will meet Jane at the station. Please what time she will arrive. A. count 5. Michael

B. choose moved


C. check Shanghai


D. catch week


he lives here. A. not longer

B. no long

C. no longer

D. any longer

6. Nick a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didn't take it. A. is offered

B. offered

C. was offered

D. has offered

7. A year has four seasons and it twelve different star signs. A. divided into C. divided into

B. is dividing into D. is divided into

8. you free next weekend? A. Will; are

B. Will; be

C. Do; be

D. Are; be

9. --- Cathy, can you answer the door? I the room. --- I'm coming, mum. A. clean cleaning

10. She looks very but I can't remember her name. A. similar

B. familiar

C. friendly

D. strange

B. cleaned

C. have cleaned D. am

11. A popular sport, ping-pong, by many around China, for fun and exercise. A. are enjoyed

B. was enjoyed

C. were enjoyed D. is enjoyed

12. In order for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning. A. not to be late C. to be late 13. ---

B. not being late D. being late Internet

business traditional business in the past few years?

--- Not really. A. Does; beat

B. Will; beat

C. Has; beaten

D. Is; beating

14. --- Mary, you look nice in the red dress. , how much is it? --- Fifty dollars. A. On the way way

15. The teachers encourage their students to the problems by themselves, and in this way students can enjoy success. A. give up

B. work out

C. look through

B. In the way

C. From the way D. By the


16. The boy is from Japan. He speaks J . 17. We think it's r to stare at others.

18. Chinese medicine is very popular in w countries like the USA and England.

19. I think we should try using a different m again. 20. I often take n in English class, and I write down important words and sentences.

21. Her works were bad and below the required s . 22. You should(应当) c your homework. Perhaps(或许) there are mistakes(错误) in it.

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