
D consumed

【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [6] 答: A B C D

These teachers try to be objective when they the integrated ability of their students B justify evaluate indicate reckon

得分: 10分

【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [7] 答: A B C D

Mrs. Morris's daughter is pretty and ,and many girls envy her. A slender light faint minor

得分: 10分

【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [8] 答: A B C D

Tomorrow the mayor is to a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city. C coordinate cooperate accompany associate

得分: 10分

【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [9] 答: A B C D

I'm enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams. A realistic conscious register resolve

得分: 10分

【题型:单选】【分数:10分】 [10]

Can you give me even the clue as to where her son might be?

得分: 10分


答: A B C D

B simplest slightest least utmost

本套试题共25题, 2500分。答题得分:1020分 [提交时间:2015-09-06 16:35:54]

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [1] 答:

那个声音响个不停,我几乎无法平静。 I can hardly keep the sound of the sound.

得分: 20分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [2] 答:

我坐在这里,看时光流逝。 I sit here and watch the time.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [3] 答:


It was once thought that the difference between animals and plants was that the former could move and the latter could not.

得分: 100分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [4] 答:


To understand the basic principles of the role is very useful.

得分: 60分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [5] 答:


More and more evidence shows that the violence on TV watching TV has a profound influence on their behavior.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [6] 答:


The measure of physical strength is that you can lift something.

得分: 80分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [7] 答:


You can rest assured that he will not make mistakes.

得分: 40分


【题型:翻译】【100分】 [8] 答:

节食不当导致诸多问题并不意味着就没有安全的节食方法。 A diet that is not a problem does not mean that there is no safe way to go.

得分: 20分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [9] 答:


As we all know, the United States is the world's most heavily tax state.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [10] 答:


He comes or not depends on many factors.

得分: 80分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [11] 答:


In other circumstances, he will be how to do, who said the quasi?

得分: 20分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [12] 答:

我不知道他们讨论的是什么。 I don't know what they are discussing.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [13] 答:

许多州都有销售税,按百分比对你购买的物品进行征收。 Many states have a sales tax, which is levied on the goods you buy.

得分: 60分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [14] 答:


Looks into the distance, I saw the blue mist like smoke, that is the dividing line between heaven and earth.

得分: 20分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [15] 答:


Only four regions found a large number of diamonds.

得分: 20分


【题型:翻译】【100分】 [16] 答:


At present, the modern family is more common, parents are in the same position.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [17] 答:


Sometimes he will find the answers to some of the questions, and then get a clue to solve the new problem.

得分: 0分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [18] 答:


Words have two major categories, they constitute a complete set of vocabulary

得分: 20分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [19] 答:

很难想象一幅地图不是以上方位北。 It is hard to imagine a map not above the north.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [20] 答:

这女孩一如既往,工作很难勤奋。 As always, the girl is hard to work hard.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [21]


Should not be forgotten that every more than a thief, there will be more people to spend - this is a good thing for the store and the British economy.

得分: 60分 答:

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [22] 答:


I have a student, because I don't have a careful reading of the guide, the wrong switch.

得分: 40分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [23] 答:


He hopes to write a letter, in order to eliminate all the misunderstanding.

得分: 20分


【题型:翻译】【100分】 [24] 答:


During the interview, if you want to know each other to talk of it, we must dare to ask each other about, but must be polite.

得分: 20分

【题型:翻译】【100分】 [25] 答:

尽管动物需要无机物食物,但是却不能紧靠这样的食物生存。 Although animals need food to eat, they cannot live on such food.

得分: 60分

本套测试试卷共 44 题,共 100 分。答题得分:68 分

【题型:填空】【分数:10分】 得分:10分

As more states require high school students to pass competence exams before graduating, evidence suggests that cheating among students is _1_ the rise. Many educators are concerned _2_ dishonest behavior among examinees, and have _3_ a number of campaign to control cheating. In spite of their efforts, however, cheating seems to be increasingly _4_ among students in both high schools and universities. Numerous arguments have been made about the cause of this widespread problem.Some experts believe it is _5_ to changes in American society as a whole since, _6_ earlier times, modern America is largelya nation of strangers. _7_, moral values are not taught or reinforced as they were in “the good old days”. Many educators feel that as students gain confidence _8_ themselves and their abilities, they are _9_ likely to cheat. Surprisingly, some efforts to prevent cheating may actually _10_ cheating.

1. A. in B. at C. on D. to


2. A. about B. for C. to D. in

3. A. carried B. began C. formed D. launched 4. A. contagious B. appeared C. showed D. found 5. A. focused B. bound C. linked D. contrary 6. A. Like B. Unlike C. As D. At

7. A. But B. Nevertheless C. Because D. Additionally 8. A. to B. in C. for D. at 9. A. more B. much C. less D. most

10. A. encourage B. discourage C. approve D. disapprove





【题型:简答】【分数:10分】 得分:10分

1.With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception


2.Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral

3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated C.comfined D.concerned


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