


2003 National English Contest for College Students (Preliminary)

Part I Listening Comprehension(30 minutes,30 points) Section A Dialogues(10 points)

Directions:In this section ,you will hear 10 short dialogues.At the end of each dialogue,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the dialogue and the question will be read only once.After each question there will be a pause.during the pause,you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then m ark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1.A.A sales clerk. B.A police officer. C.A tailor. D.A nurse. 2.A.By train. B.She walks. C.By car. D.By bus.

3.A.Fish is the only dish left. B.Chicken is the only dish left.

C.Vegetarian meals are not offered. D.There aren't any vegetarian meals left. 4.A.He starts work next weekend. B.He'll be away.

C.He'll be in the mountains. D.He's moving to Florida. 5.A.In an elevator. B.At a dress store.

C.On the seventh floor. D.At a department store. 6.A.They felt it was disorganized.

B.They were pleased with its Asian content. C.They felt it lacked Asian content. D.They felt it ignored recent events. 7.A.He doesn't have enough time. B.He doesn't have a watch.

C.The library doesn't have the articles he wants. D.He can't find the library.

8.A.He wants the woman to dine out with them. B.He wants to work tomorrow.

C.He wants the woman to finish dinner first. D.He wants to pay for the dinner.

9.A.Twice a day. B.Twice a week. C.Once a week. D.Daily.

10.A.At two o'clock. B.At four o'clock. C.At three thirty. D.At eight o'clock. Section B News Items(10 points)

Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 pieces of short news from BBC or VOA.There will be a question following each piece of news.Write down the answer to each question in no more than 15 words.

11._______________________________________ 12._______________________________________ 13._______________________________________ 14._______________________________________

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15._______________________________________ 16._______________________________________ 17._______________________________________ 18._______________________________________ 19._______________________________________ 20._______________________________________ Section C Compound Dictation(10 points)

Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.Then listen to the passage again.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 21 to 28 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 29 to 30,you are required to fill in the missing information.You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written and rewrite the correct answers on the Answer Sheet. Although general Motors and General Electric are large multinational companies with operations around the globe,there are numerous smaller companies that engage in international trade.Because 95percent of the world's population and two-thirds of its (21)_____ power are located outside the United States,it is important for American (22)_____to be present in foreign markets.However,before we explain the different methods by which a company may (23)_____in international trade,we might first consider some important (24)_____that U.S.companies often fail to study before they sell products in a foreign country.These factors are (25)_____with differences in language,in values and attitudes,and in political (26)_____.

When (27)_____Coca-Cola into the Chinese market in 1920,the company used a group of Chinese symbols that,when spoken,sounded like Coca-Cola.However,when read, these symbols meant,“a female horse fattened with wax”.Upon reentering the Chinese market in the 1970s,Coca-Cola used a series of Chinese (28)_____that translates into“happiness in the mouth”.(29)_________________________.

Culture is the total pattern of human behavior that is practiced by a particular group of people.(30)_________________________.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure(15 minutes,30 points) Section A Multiple Choice(20 points) Directions:Questions 31-50 constitute a complete passage.There are 20blanks in the passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

31.Senior Metropolitan police officers tried to dismiss the Noting Hill race riots which raged for five nights over the August bank holiday in 1958 as the work of“ruffians ,both colored and white”hell-bent on hooliganism ,according to _____ official files. A.recent revealed B.newly released C.previous disclosing D.earlier exposing

32.But police eyewitness reports in the secret papers_____ that they were overwhelmingly the work of a white working class mob out to get the“niggers”. A.contain B.convince C.consist D.confirm

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33.The ferocity of the Noting Hill“racial riots”,as the press called them at the time,shocked Britain into_____ for the first time that it was not above the kind of racial conflict then being played out in the American deep south. A.realizing B.witnessing C.watching D.identifying

34.The carnival,which will_____ the streets of west London _____more than 1.5 million people this weekend,was started in 1959 as a direct response to the riots. A.crowd;of B.pour;for C.fill;with D.emerge;in

35.While senior officers tried to play down the racial aspects of the riots,the internal Metropolitan police files released this month at the public record office confirm that the disturbances were overwhelmingly _____ by 300 to 400 strong“Keep Britain White” mobs ,many of them Teddy boys armed with iron bars ,butcher's knives and weighted leather belts,who went“nigger-hunting”among the West Indian residents of Noting Hill and Noting Dale. A.erupted B.commenced C.triggered D.inaugurated

36.The first night left five black men _____ on the pavements of Noting Hill. A.lying unconscious B.there died C.feel faint D.serious hurt

37.The battles raged over the bank holiday weekend as the black _____responded in kind with counterattacks by large groups of“men of color”similarly armed. A.column B.army

C.brigade D.community

38.Thomas Williams was stopped by the police as he came out of Bluey's Club on Talbot Road,Noting Hill.He _____a piece of iron down his left trouser leg,a petrol bomb in his right pocket and a razor blade in his inside breast pocket:“I have to protect myself,”he told the arresting officer.

A.found to have B.was found to have C.found having D.was found having 39.The _____ files,which were sealed under the 75-year rule but have been released early,show that senior officers tried to convince the then home secretary,“Rab”Butler,that there was not a racial element to the rioting.

A.forbidden B.confidential C.incredible D.strict 40.In his official report,Detective Sergeant M.Walters of the Notting Hill police said the national press had been wrong to portray the“widespread series of street disturbances”as“racial”riots:“Whereas there certainly was some _____ feeling between white and colored residents in this area,it is abundantly clear much of the trouble was caused by ruffians,both colored and white,who seized on this opportunity to indulge in hooliganism .” A.ill B.sick C.painful D.hurt

41.But the police witness statements and private statistics _____ . A.told differently B.interpreted in a different way C.existed m any differences D.told a different story

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