


Unit 4 Public transport

Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading


1. My parents are going to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding ____________(周年纪念日).

2. This computer printer is much more ____________ (容易使用的).

3. We ____________(扩建) the house by adding a west wing.

4. Newspaper is a ____________(主要的) medium of communication.

5. Do not ____________(承担) a project unless you can finish it.

6. It’s raining cats and dogs. I think we have to ____________(延迟) our picnic.

7. Wires ____________(传送) electricity from power stations to the users.

8. I managed to ____________(哽咽,忍住) back my tears. 9. I think oil prices are ____________(令人难以置信地) expensive today.

10. The prediction has ____________(不幸地) come true.

Ⅱ.选词并用其适当形式填空 drop off, link up, convey, unbelievable, postpone, unfortunately, choke, undertake, function as, permit 1. The doctor doesn’t ____________ me to stay up. 2. My interest in the book began to ____________. 3. Please ____________ my sincere thanks to your father.

4. There are many ____________ aspects to this theory. 5. I cannot ____________ that you will make a profit. 6. I think this room can ____________ a study.

7. The two teams will ____________ for a fierce match.

8. The storeroom was ____________ with old furniture. 9. The concert ____________ till next week because the leading singer is ill.

10. ____________, I won’t be able to attend your

birthday party.


1. (2012·昆明高二检测)—Mr. Wang was caught in a snowstorm yesterday.

—I have known that, and _______ his new car was completely destroyed. A. hopefully B. fortunately C. thankfully D. unfortunately

2. We must add some courses about information knowledge, and _______ students’ area of knowledge, increase students’ practice ability. A. raise B. rise C. lift D. enlarge

3. (2012·衡阳高二检测) _______ himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence. A. Equipped B. Equipping C. Having equipped D. Being equipped 4. —Shall we go to see the new film? —_______? Let’s make it tonight. A. Why not B. Why C. What for D. What 5. (2012·淮北高二检测) I was so excited at the news that I was admitted to the university that I could hardly _______ my feelings in words. A. convey B. carry C. transmit D. communicate

6. Sometimes, some adverbs _______ as adjectives. You must pay attention to them when you read the English text.

A. are functioned B. function C. were functioned D. functions

7. The theme of the novel is that a person’s fate _______ that of the whole country. A. is closely linked up with B. is closely dealt with C. is closely taken as

D. is closely tied up with

8. After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to _______ his health. A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. put up

9. (2012·天津高二检测) What the young man can’t _______ is that his mum always treats him like a —I’m free next Sunday if you would like to play then. A. provide B. postpone C. approve D. resign

19. The Silk Road was an international passage with historical significance, which _______ ancient Chinese culture with that of India, Greece and Rome. A. picked up B. turned up baby.

A. support B. undertake C. hold D. bear 10. —Can I smoke here?

—No, at no time _______ in the reading room. A. smoking permits B. is smoking permitted C. smoking is permitted D. does smoking permit 11. We must set aside some money for a rainy day _______ run out of our income immediately. A. rather than B. or rather C. other than D. more than

12. —_______ Jack is still a child, he can’t do the work. —Child _______ he is, he knows a lot. A. Because; for B. As; as C. As; although D. Though; as

13. (2012·安庆高二检测) In view of lacking prepara- tions for the competition and not wanting to lose face, John eventually decided to _______. A. drop in B. drop off C. drop by D. drop out

14. The accident on the freeway _______ traffic. A. choked off B. put off C. set off D. took off

15. He decided to postpone _______ the house because his mother was ill, which cost him a lot of money. A. to buy B. buying C. to be buying D. being bought

16. It is required that all coach drivers not pick up or _______ passengers along Beijing Fuzhou Expressway. A. drop in B. drop by C. drop off D. drop out

17. The word “ungelivable” is based on Chinese, which has become a big hit online very quickly. It _______ a message that Chinese can also serve as an addition to English vocabulary. A. acknowledges B. conveys C. declares D. assesses 18. (2012·温州高二检测)—Because of the rain, we’ll have to _______ the football match.

C. linked up D. took up 20. (2012·株洲高二检测) The new classroom building in Pakistan will be constructed this year, and a firm from China has been chosen to _______ the work. A. assign B. undertake C. provide D. settle

21. Nowadays many new couples like to _______ their wedding photos and hang them on the wall. A. extend B. enlarge C. stretch D. spread

22. (2012·重庆高考) _______ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. A. Having been asked B. To ask C. Having asked D. To be asked



Traffic jam and cities, it seems, go hand in hand. Everyone complains about being stuck in traffic, but, like the weather, no one seems to do anything about it. In particular, traffic engineers, transportation planners, and public officials responsible for transpor- tation systems in large cities are frequently criticized for failing to solve traffic jam.

But is traffic jam a sign of failure? Long queues at restaurants or theater’s box offices are seen as signs of success. Should transportation systems be viewed any differently? I think we should recognize that traffic jam is an unpreventable by-product of successful cities, and view the “traffic problem” in a different light.

Cities exist because they promote social inter- actions and economic transactions.

Traffic jam occurs where there are lots of people but limited spaces. Culturally and economically successful cities have the worst traffic problems, while decaying cities don’t have much traffic. New York and Los Angeles are America’s most crowded cities. But if you want access to major brokerage houses(经纪行), you will find them easier to reach in

crowded New York than in any other large cities. And if your firm needs access to post-production film editors or satellite-guidance engineers, you will reach them more quickly through the crowded freeways of LA than through less crowded roads elsewhere.

Despite traffic jam, a larger number and wider variety of social interactions and economic transactions can be made perfect in large, crowded cities than elsewhere. Seen in this light, traffic jam is an unfortunate consequence of prosperity, not a cause ful cities in the USA.

C. It is easier to reach major brokerage houses in the two cities than in other cities.

D. Despite the traffic jam in LA, you’ll find a satellite- guidance engineer more quickly there.


请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格填1个单词。


of economic decline and urban decay.

So while we can consider traffic jam as increasing costs on the areas of big cities, the costs of

inaccessibility(交通不便) in uncrowded places are

almost certainly greater. There is no doubt that traffic jam brings the terrible economic and environmental damage in places like Bangkok, Jakarta, and Lagos. But mobility is far higher and traffic jam levels are far lower here in the US, even in our most crowded cities. That’s why, for now, we don’t see people and capital streaming out of San Francisco and Chicago, heading for cities like California, and Illinois. 1. We can conclude from the first paragraph that _____. A. traffic jam and weather are the two factors preventing the development of the big city B. traffic jam seems to be very difficult to deal with C. if traffic engineers try their best, traffic jam can be solved D. public officials are always criticized for misusing their power 2. According to the passage, what’s the author’s opinion towards traffic jam? A. In cities, traffic jam is unavoidable. B. Traffic jam is both a sign of failure and a sign of success. C. Traffic jam is the consequence of successful cities. D. For a successful city, traffic jam is not unpreventable. 3. By saying “decaying” (in Para. 4), the writer probably means _____. A. declining B. developing C. rich and successful D. strong and healthy 4. According to this article, which statement about “New York” and “Los Angeles” is TRUE? A. The traffic jam in the two cities has been worsened. B. New York and Los Angeles are the most success- One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profit the business makes belongs to the owner. If the self-employed person is successful in business, he or she has the chance to earn plenty of money and even become wealthy. The profit earned

by a self-employed person is the reward for his or her effort, ability, and creativity. Thus, a second advantage of being self-employed is that a person’s intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his or her earnings. People who have outstanding abilities or intelligence often find they can earn far more through self-employment than they can through working as an employee. A third advantage of being self-employed is that a person can control their working hours. While not all self-employed people are completely free to choose whatever hours they want to work, most of them have more control over this area than the people who work for salaries or wages. As with most things in life, being self-employed is not without problems first, being one’s own boss places the responsibility for success directly on that individual’s shoulders. Abilities and intelligence will be put to the test. Everyone has some weaknesses and is less capable in some things than in others. These weaknesses will affect how successful a self-employed person is. Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits with a successful business, losses can force them out of business and, in some instances, place them in debt. A third disadvantage concerns income security. Self-employed people have no guaranteed income. Their earnings can vary greatly from year to year, depending on business conditions. Salaried people, on the other hand, can generally count on continued earnings from year to year. In addition, salaried

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