





( )21. — I sometimes call my son abroad, but it's expensive.

— Why do you waste money ________ you could easily use Wechat or QQ?

A. while B. unless C. until D. when

( )22. Alice went fishing in the company of her father early in the morning and she ________ life lessons along the way.

A. was learning B. has learned C. is learning D. had learned

( )23. Education is to change traditionally-minded individuals, typically those who are not prepared to ________, and to encourage critical thinking.

A. compensate B. accumulate C. investigate D. innovate

( )24. I found my computer functioning much better, ________ a new operating system.

A. to install B. installing C. having installed


D. installed

( )25. — I hope you'll make good efforts while I'm away.

— Be assured! You'll be amazed at what ________ accomplished when you get back. A. will have been B. has been C. was D. would be

( )26. Echo is always complaining about her job as a cashier, but frankly it's ________ to have a job in these difficult days.

A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing

( )27. — Jack has been out of consciousness since the accident. Will he come to himself, doctor?

— It's going to be tough but we anticipate that he will ________.

A. put through B. pull through C. put over D. pull over

( )28. She would be much healthier now ________ with that much pressure from work when young.

A. had she not burdened herself B. were she not


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