

摘 要

花生脱壳机是将花生荚果去掉外壳而得到花生仁的场上作业机械。由于花生本身的生理特点决定了花生脱壳不能与花生的田间收获一起进行联合作业,而只能在花生荚果的含水率降到一定程度后才能进行脱壳。随着花生种植业的不断发展,花生手工脱壳已无法满足高效生产的要求,实行脱壳机械化迫在眉睫。 刮板式花生去壳机能否正常运转,看的是其主要部件的设计,如果设计不合理,机器就不能正常运转或者说不能运转,那么生产出来的这台机器就是一堆费品。设计合理,机器就能正常的运转对并对花生果进行剥壳。因此,刮板式花生去壳机的主要部件的设计在整个设计过程中显得尤为重要,合理的设计将提供给使用者更多的方便和实惠。




Peanut huller is the fruit throw away outer shell but get shelled peanut of field top homework machine. Because the physiology characteristics of peanut comes to a decision peanut to take off hull and can't be together carry on uniting homework with the in the field results of peanut, but can then can carry on taking off hull after the peanut the contain of the fruit water rate decline to certain degree. Because the peanut plants a continuously develop of the industry, peanut handicraft's taking off hull has already can't satisfy to efficiently produce of request, practice to turn of the utmost urgency.

Pare off a plank type peanut to deny a normal operation to the hull function, what to see is it the design of main parts, if design not reasonable, the machine can't normally revolve perhaps say that can't revolve, so the production come out of this set machine is a heap of fee article. Design reasonable, machine ability normal of operation to also carry on shelling hull to the peanut fruit. Pare off a plank type peanut to the design of the main parts of hull machine in the whole design process seem to be is importance, reasonable of the design will provide more to the user of convenience and real benefit.

Keyword Peanut huller; Mechanization; High-efficient production


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