(直击高考)高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题10 名词性从句考点

(直击高考)2013高考英语 语法重难点系列 专题10 名词性从句考

在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses),引导名词性从句的词叫连词。 名词性从句又分别称为: 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句


例如:1. That he came here just now has been proved. 他刚才来的这里得到了证实。

解析:That he came here just now在谓语has been proved的前面,所以是主语从句。

2. It’s true that we are going next week. 我们下星期走是真的。

解析:真正的主语是 that we are going next week,前面的it是形式主语。


例如:1. We all know what he is.


解析:what he is作及物动词know的宾语从句。 2. His worry is about whether he can succeed. 他的担忧是关于他是否能成功。

解析:whether he can succeed作介词about的宾语从句。


例如:1. His question is where he can buy a house. 他的问题是他能在哪里买房子。

解析:where he can buy a house是联系动词is后面的表语从句。 2. This is why we can’t get their support. 这就是我们得不到他们支持的原因。

解析:why we can’t get their support是联系动词is后面的表语从句。

同位语从句:是用以说明所修饰名词的具体内容的,它与被修饰的词语通常可以划等号。 例如:We heard the news that our team had won. 我听说了我们球队获胜的消息。



1.具有词汇意义的连词 (what, how, who, when, where, why,whose, which) 2.没有词汇意义的that(that在句中没有如何意义,只起连词的作用) 3.if/whether (是否) 4.具有双重身份的what 5.疑问词+ ever(whatever、whoever、whomever、however、whenever、wherever、whichever)


1. I know when he was born. 我知道他什么时候出生的。

2. Where he lives is known to us all. 他住在哪里我们大家都清楚。

3. My question is how you came to school. 我的问题是你怎样来的学校。

4. He told us why she was late. 他告诉我们她为什么迟到。

5. Please let me know what you are . 让我们知道你是干什么的。

6. Which team will win isn’t clear. 哪只队将要赢还不清楚。



1.I know that your name is Tom. (宾语从句) 我知道你名字叫汤姆。

2.The news that they won the match excited us very much. (同位语从句)


3.That he often helps my sister makes me happy. (主语从句) 他经常帮我妹妹使得我开心。

4.My demand is that you (should ) try to study hard. (表语从句) 我的要求是你们尽力努力学习。



(should) do.(因为其动词都是表“建议、命令、要求、主张、决定”等)



The teacher suggests that we (should) get up early in the morning. (宾语从句) 2)我们决定你们下个星期去郊游。

We have decided that you (should) go for an outing next week.(宾语从句) 3)班长要求我们的家庭作业尽早地交上去。

The monitor demands that our homework (should) be handed in as soon as possible. (宾语从句)

3. It+特殊动词+ that从句

常见动词有:occur, happen, seem, turn out,come about 1)It seems that...(好像。。。。。。)

a. It seems that you object to his idea . 好像你反对他的想法。

b. It seems that he has been to Japan. 好像他去过日本。

2)It happens that...(碰巧。。。。。。)

a. It happens that we all like physics,so we always have much to talk with each other.


b. It happened that we went to visit the factory last week too . 碰巧我们也是上个星期去参观的那家工厂。

It doesn’t happen that...=It happens...not...(碰巧不。。。。。。) a. It happened that he was not in yesterday. = It didn’t happen that he was in yesterday. 碰巧他昨天不在家。

b. It happened that I didn’t have any money on me then,either.= It didn’t happen that I had any money on me then ,either. 碰巧当时我身上也没有带钱。

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