2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Section Ⅱ Langu


The question is whether they will support the plan. 问题是他们是否会支持这个计划。 (2)连接代词


The problem is who we can get to replace her. 问题是我们能找到谁去替代她。 Tom is no longer what he used to be. 汤姆不再是以前的汤姆了。 (3)连接副词


That was where we camped last time. 那就是我们上次野营的地方。

This is why Sara was late for class. 这就是Sara上课迟到的原因。 (4)其他连接词

另外,because,as if,as though,as,like等连接词也可引导表语从句。 He didn't have breakfast.That is because he got up late. 他没吃早饭,因为他起晚了。 2.注意事项



The reason for such a serious accident is that the driver was too careless and drank too much.



His suggestion is that we should stay calm. 他的建议是我们应保持冷静。 (3)其他系动词+表语从句


It looks as if it is going to rain. 看来要下雨了。

It sounds as if you are from the south of the United States. 听起来你好像来自美国南部。 [即时演练3] 单句语法填空

①My question is whether you are in favour of us. ②The fact is that you've lost a good chance. ③I got up late.That's why I was late for school. (四)同位语从句




We must remember the fact that goats usually live in mountainous country. 我们得记住山羊通常生活在山区这一事实。

They usually write exact instructions how the music is to be played. 他们通常要为如何演奏音乐而写出精确的说明。 2.注意事项


A saying goes that practice makes perfect. 常言道,熟能生巧。


Our teacher gave us some advice how we(should)use the computer. 老师给了我们一些使用电脑的建议。


We have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time. 我们怀疑他们是否能按时完成任务。

There is no doubt that Zhang Wei will keep his promise. 毫无疑问,张卫会信守承诺的。 (4)同位语从句与定语从句的区别



The news that our football team won the match was encouraging. 我们足球队获胜的消息是鼓舞人心的。(同位语从句) The news(that)we heard on the radio was not true. 我们在收音机上听到的新闻不是真的。(定语从句) [即时演练4] 单句语法填空

①The news that he has adjusted himself to the life there makes his parents glad. ②I have no idea whether he will come or not.

③My suggestion is that we inform his parents of this. 三、注意的问题


(1)what在名词性从句中可充当主语、宾语和表语,意义上相当于the thing(s)that,引导主语从句时,其谓语动词的单复数依句意而定;



下列情况只用whether不用if:(1)引导主语从句且置于句首时;(2)引导表语从句时;(3)引导同位语从句时;(4)引导宾语从句且前置时;(5)作动词discuss和介词的宾语时;(6)其后紧跟or not时;(7)后接动词不定式时;(8)用if引导会引起歧义时。

My problem right now is whether I should have someone else take the place of me.



1.It suddenly occurred to him that he had left his keys in the office. 2.We must find out when Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him. 3.The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely free from dust.

4.If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate what is below the water surface.Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water.

5.The exhibition tells us why we should do something to stop air pollution.

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