


1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共10页,满分为90分;考试时间90分钟。



一、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。

1. —The Underground Line No. 3 has been in service for about a month. —How exciting ______ news is! A. a B. an C. 不填 D. the

2. If you develop a ______ of talking with others in English, you’ll improve your ability in speaking. A. plan B. habit C. way D. chance 3. The letter “u” in the word “______” has a different pronunciation from the others. A. cute B. huge C. music D. ruler

4. Though he is a manager of a big company, he makes ______ a rule to have supper with his family every day. A. him B. it C. this D. that 5. It’s very dangerous when you drive your car ______ a certain speed. A. behind B. beside C. beyond D. between 6. —I think using Wechat every night is a waste of time. —Yes. In fact, there are ______ meaningful things to do. A. less B. more C. the least D. the most 7. Next term one thousand junior high school graduates ______ as pilots in China. A. train B. will train C. will be trained D. have been trained 8. Give me another chance, ______ I’ll give you all a wonderful surprise. A. and B. or C. so D. but 9. —Mum, let’s go shopping together.

— Can’t you see I’m so busy, dear? I ______ tomorrow’s meeting. A. prepare B. am preparing C. was preparing D. have prepared 10. We all know some of the police’s duties are to keep order and ______ the law. A. take out B. find out C. come out D. carry out 11. —You don’t have to take a raincoat. It isn’t going to rain. —Well, I am not sure. It ______ do. A. must B. may C. need D. would

12. The young lady took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only ______ if it fitted her. A. found B. finding C. to find D. has found 13. —What else did Tina ask you about the trip to Nanjing?

—She asked me ______. A. who was the guide of the trip

B. when they will visit the Presidential Palace C. how long would they stay at Nanjing Museum

D. if she can go to Nanjing University alone on the second day


14. —Chris has learnt English for only three months. —______! His English is so good. A. He got it B. Believe it or not C. I can’t agree more D. You can’t be serious 15. —What are you going to do tonight?

— ______. If I am free, I may go to the cinema with my mother. A. It depends B. Forget it C. It doesn’t matter D. Don’t mention it 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Haire, 19, with five friends, got into his car at around 10 p.m., and went to a party. They’d driven on the streets often, 16 they couldn’t find the house, and Haire’s iPhone GPS wasn’t working.

He had to drive into a parking place by a small lake to see 17 his car’s GPS could help. Before Haire could stop the car, his friend Sawin, 19, looked up from the backseat and saw a pair of 18 lights from the water about fifty yards away. “There is a car in the water!” he cried.

In the darkness, the boys could hardly see 19 through the windows. “We thought we had to get this man out of there now, or he was going to die,” says Haire.

He and Sawin jumped into the cold water and 20 hard to the sinking car. Inside, Miguel Hernandez was holding the steering wheel and looking up in fear.

Haire 21 the car first and helped Hernandez roll down the window, and he opened Hernandez’s seat belt. Then water began 22 into the car, causing it to go down to the bottom of the 15-foot-deep lake.

Haire and Sawin 23 Hernandez out of the car and took him back to the shore as the car went down completely into the darkness below.

“Some things happened sometime, and it was hard for people to 24 ,” says Haire. “We left my friend’s house at a certain time, didn’t have to stop at any red lights, and got 25 .” Sawin agrees, “If we had showed up 30 seconds later, he probably would have been dead.” 16. A. but B. so C. or D. and 17. A. that B. what C. how D. if 18. A. dark B. strange C. black D. interesting 19. A. clearly B. slowly C. quickly D. loudly 20. A. ran B. drove C. swam D. jumped 21. A. reached B. arrived C. drove D. stopped 22. A. dropping B. pouring C. throwing D. bringing 23. A. saw B. turned C. sent D. pulled 24. A. enter B. expect C. explore D. excuse 25. A. lost B. found C. worried D. pleased 三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。



Room Types Price (RMB) Standard room 880.00


Ordinary single room Luxury single room Sunshiny room Suite Sunshiny suite Luxury suite (the South Building) Luxury suite (the North Building) Extra bed ● All reservations (预定) will be kept until 6 pm. ● 12:00 noon is the latest checking out (退房) time.

Reservation or any Inquires

Add: No. 38, Dianmenxi Street, 100035 Beijing, China TEL: 66529988

URL: http://www.Chinaintec.com/hote/jtfd.htm

980.00 1280.00

1380.00 2280.00 2580.00 5888.00 9888.00 100.00

26. How much should you pay if you want to order an ordinary single room with an extra bed? A. ¥980. B. ¥1080. C. ¥1188. D. ¥1280. 27. Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement above? A. Your reservation can’t be kept if it is 5 pm.

B. You can only visit the website to get information. C. You shouldn’t check out later than 12:00 noon. D. You have to pay 2280 yuan for a sunshiny suite.


Scene 1

On a wild mountain, two goats met on a rock just over a high cliff (峭壁). The rock was so narrow that there was neither room for them to pass each other nor to turn round and go back.

One of them with great care laid himself down on the narrow rock, pressing as close to the rock as he could. Then the other goat gently and softly stepped over his friend, till, safely past him, he could lightly get away.

The goat that had lain down then drew himself up, safe and free to leap again from rock to rock, and eat the sweet grass on the hills. Scene 2

Two other goats met on the banks of a wild, rushing stream. They found there was a tree across the stream. It formed a bridge from one side to the other.

They stood for a moment with one foot on the tree, each thinking that the other would draw back. But neither of them would give away, and they met at last on the middle of the narrow bridge!

They then began to push and fight with their horns (犄角), till at last their feet slipped, and both the goats fell into the stream, and were lost in the waters!

Both might have been saved if either of them had known how to give way to another at the right time. 28. How did the two goats in Scene 1 manage to get away from the rock? A. One goat turned around and went back. B. One goat jumped over the other and walked away. C. They stood there and passed the rock carefully together. D. One goat lay down on the rock so that the other could first leave. 29. Which of the following shows the right order in Scene 2? a. Their feet slipped and fell into the stream. b. They met on the bank of a rushing stream.

c. A tree fell across a stream and formed a bridge.


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