曼昆《经济学原理》(微观)第五版测试题库 (05)

Chapter 5

Elasticity and Its Application


1. Elasticity measures how responsive quantity is to changes in price.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

2. Measures of elasticity enhance our ability to study the magnitudes of changes.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-0 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

3. The demand for bread is likely to be more elastic than the demand for solid-gold bread plates.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

4. In general, demand curves for necessities tend to be price elastic.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand 5. In general, demand curves for luxuries tend to be price elastic.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand

NAT: Analytic

MSC: InterpretiveNAT: Analytic MSC: Interpretive

6. Necessities tend to have inelastic demands, whereas luxuries have elastic demands.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

7. Goods with close substitutes tend to have more elastic demands than do goods without close substitutes.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

8. The demand for Rice Krispies is more elastic than the demand for cereal in general.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

9. The demand for soap is more elastic than the demand for Dove soap.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

10. The demand for gasoline will respond more to a change in price over a period of five weeks than over a period

of five years.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

11. Even the demand for a necessity such as gasoline will respond to a change in price, especially over a longer

time horizon.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

12. The price elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the

percentage change in price.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

13. The price elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change in price divided by the percentage change

in quantity demanded.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional


Chapter 5 /Elasticity and Its Application ? 289

14. Suppose that when the price rises by 20% for a particular good, the quantity demanded of that good falls by

10%. The price elasticity of demand for this good is equal to 2.0.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Analytical

15. Suppose that when the price rises by 10% for a particular good, the quantity demanded of that good falls by

20%. The price elasticity of demand for this good is equal to 2.0.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Analytical

16. If the price of calculators increases by 15 percent and the quantity demanded per week falls by 45 percent as a

result, then the price elasticity of demand is 3.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Applicative

17. Demand is inelastic if the price elasticity of demand is greater than 1.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Inelastic demand MSC: Definitional

18. A linear, downward-sloping demand curve has a constant elasticity but a changing slope.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

19. Price elasticity of demand along a linear, downward-sloping demand curve increases as price falls.ANS: F DIF: 3 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

20. If the price elasticity of demand is equal to 0, then demand is unit elastic.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

21. If the price elasticity of demand is equal to 1, then demand is unit elastic.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

22. Demand for a good is said to be inelastic if the quantity demanded increases substantially when the price falls

by a small amount.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Inelastic demand MSC: Definitional

23. The midpoint method is used to calculate elasticity between two points because it gives the same answer

regardless of the direction of the change.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Midpoint method MSC: Interpretive

24. The flatter the demand curve that passes through a given point, the more inelastic the demand.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

25. The flatter the demand curve that passes through a given point, the more elastic the demand.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

26. If demand is perfectly inelastic, the demand curve is vertical, and the price elasticity of demand equals 0.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Perfectly inelastic demand MSC: Interpretive

27. If demand is perfectly elastic, the demand curve is horizontal, and the price elasticity of demand equals 1.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Perfectly elastic demand MSC: Interpretive

290 ? Chapter 5 /Elasticity and Its Application

28. Along the elastic portion of a linear demand curve, total revenue rises as price rises.ANS: F DIF: 3 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Total revenue | Price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

29. If a firm is facing elastic demand, then the firm should decrease price to increase revenue.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Total revenue | Price elasticity of demand MSC: Applicative

30. If a firm is facing inelastic demand, then the firm should decrease price to increase revenue.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Total revenue | Price elasticity of demand MSC: Applicative

31. When demand is inelastic, a decrease in price increases total revenue.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Inelastic demand | Total revenue MSC: Interpretive

32. The income elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the

percentage change in income.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Income elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

33. The income elasticity of demand is defined as the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the

percentage change in price.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Income elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

34. Normal goods have negative income elasticities of demand, while inferior goods have positive income

elasticities of demand.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Income elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

35. If the income elasticity of demand for a good is negative, then the good must be an inferior good.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Income elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

36. If the cross-price elasticity of demand for two goods is negative, then the two goods are substitutes.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Cross-price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

37. If the cross-price elasticity of demand for two goods is negative, then the two goods are complements.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Cross-price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

38. Cross-price elasticity of demand measures how the quantity demanded of one good changes as the price of

another good changes.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Cross-price elasticity of demand MSC: Definitional

39. Cross-price elasticity is used to determine whether goods are inferior or normal goods.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Cross-price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

40. Cross-price elasticity is used to determine whether goods are substitutes or complements.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Cross-price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

Chapter 5 /Elasticity and Its Application ? 291

41. The cross-price elasticity of garlic salt and onion salt is -2, which indicates that garlic salt and onion salt are

substitutes.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Cross-price elasticity of demand MSC: Interpretive

42. Price elasticity of supply measures how much the quantity supplied responds to changes in the price.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 5-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of supply MSC: Definitional

43. Supply and demand both tend to be more elastic in the long run and more inelastic in the short run.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 | 5-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticities of demand and supply MSC: Interpretive

44. If the price elasticity of supply is 2 and the quantity supplied decreases by 6%, then the price must have

decreased by 3%.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of supply MSC: Applicative

45. Supply is said to be inelastic if the quantity supplied responds substantially to changes in the price, and elastic

if the quantity supplied responds only slightly to price.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 5-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of supply MSC: Definitional

46. Supply tends to be more elastic in the short run and more inelastic in the long run.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-2 NAT: Analytic TOP: Price elasticity of supply MSC: Interpretive

47. When the price of knee braces increased by 25 percent, the Brace Yourself Company increased its quantity

supplied of knee braces per week by 75 percent. BYC's price elasticity of supply of knee braces is 0.33.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of supply MSC: Applicative

48. If a supply curve is horizontal, then supply is said to be perfectly elastic, and the price elasticity of supply

approaches infinity.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Perfectly elastic supply MSC: Interpretive

49. A government program that reduces land under cultivation hurts farmers but helps consumers.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Total revenue MSC: Applicative

50. OPEC failed to maintain a high price of oil in the long run, partly because both the supply of oil and the

demand for oil are more elastic in the long run than in the short run.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 5-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: OPEC | Price elasticity of demand | Price elasticity of supply MSC: Applicative

51. Drug interdiction, which reduces the supply of drugs, may decrease drug-related crime because the demand for

drugs is inelastic.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 5-3 NAT: Analytic LOC: Elasticity TOP: Price elasticity of demand MSC: Applicative

292 ? Chapter 5 /Elasticity and Its Application


Consider the following pairs of goods. For which of the two goods would you expect the demand to be more

price elastic? Why? a. water or diamonds

b. insulin or nasal decongestant spray c. food in general or breakfast cereal

d. gasoline over the course of a week or gasoline over the course of a year e. personal computers or IBM personal computers


a. Diamonds are luxuries, and water is a necessity. Therefore, diamonds have the more elastic demand. b. Insulin has no close substitutes, but decongestant spray does. Therefore, nasal decongestant spray has the

more elastic demand.

c. Breakfast cereal has more substitutes than does food in general. Therefore, breakfast cereal has the more

elastic demand.

d. The longer the time period, the more elastic demand is. Therefore, gasoline over the course of a year has

the more elastic demand.

e. There are more substitutes for IBM personal computers than there are for personal computers. Therefore,

IBM personal computers have the more elastic demand.

DIF: 2 REF: 5-1 TOP: Price elasticity of demand NAT: Analytic MSC: Applicative

LOC: Elasticity

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