




like → be fond of/be crazy about/delight in/rejoice in/take pleasure in/appreciate/ 2

all + 名词复数(如students)→ every single student 【注意名词单复数变化】 3

think about/consider → take into account

4、want to do sth → intend to do sth/tend to do sth/be inclined to do sth./ be longing for doing sth./be thirst for doing sth 5

more and more+n. → n.+in /growing/increasing/significant/numbers 6

more and more +adj (如important) → increasingly important 7

most+n.(如student) → an overwhelmingly majority of a significant proportion of a sizable percentage of 8

not → by no means的不完全倒装句型。

【例】By no means shall we give up trying.我们决绝能停止努力。

【注】by no means 可以用在“正装”句型中,如:This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. 这绝不是解决问题的最好方法。 9

should do → be supposed to do 10

good --> excellent 11

want sth→desire sth. 高级词汇使情感强度更加具体 12

but→nevertheless/nonetheless 高级词汇使情感强度更加具体(“尽管如此,但是...”)

How things have changed!(大转折,用于句首,替换But.)

13、always →consistently /constantly/continually/eternally/perpetually 14

enough → abundant/adequate/sufficient

15、important →essential/vital/crucial/fundamental/indispensable 16

now → nowadays/these days/ recently 17

really →undoubtedly/absolutely

18、very → extremely/surprisingly //unusually/excessively /noticeably/exceedingly 19

many → a number of/ plenty of/ a multitude of/ many+n.+,if not most,+...(经典插入语)

20、good friend→ true friend/close friend/constant friend/a friend indeed 21

big → distinct 清楚的、明显的 (可以加到difference/change等词的前面) 相关文章:

1.高考作文的技巧及方法 2.高考作文的写作方法 3.高考作文的写作技巧

4.高考满分作文写作的方法,高考作文的3个错误写法 5.高考作文写作技巧,作文高分的写作方法 6.高分作文写作技巧,高考作文给如何提高? 7.构思高考作文的六种技巧 8.高考作文做到构思巧妙的方法

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