牛津上海版8AU4 复习卷

8 A U 4 复 习 卷

I. Choose the best answer:

1. There is ______ “h” in the word “hour”.

A. / B. the C. a D. an 2. Could you please tell us ______ tom has gone to America?

A. how often B. how long C. if D. when 3. Though Lei Feng ______, the Chinese people still remember him.

A. has dead B. has been died C. has died D. was died 4. The Olympic Games ______ every four years.

A. is held B. are held C. holds D. hold 5. What did the class teacher ______ Mary to ______ at the class meeting? A. ask, talk B. tell, speak C. ask, speak D. tell, say 6. The Chinese ______ the first to use paper money in the early part of the eleventh century. A. is B. are C. was D. were 7. Anyone can master English and Chinese ______ he doesn’t want to. A. unless B. until C. when D. if 8. The weather forecast doesn’t say ______.

A. if rains tomorrow B. if it will rain tomorrow C. when will it rain tomorrow D. if it would rain tomorrow 9. The Shanghai Radio and TV Tower is a ______tower.

A. 468 meters tall B. 468-meter tall C. 468 meter tall D. 468-meter -tall 10. About ______the clients are old people.

A. hundreds of B. two hundred of C. two hundred D. two hundreds 11. The system of numbers ______________ the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0.

A. consist of B. consist C. consists in D. consists of 12. There is going to be ______ snow in my hometown this winter than last winter. A. little A. whether A. add, in A. How

B. few

C. less

D. fewer D.that D. add, with D. What an

13. My younger brother was eager to find out______ Father Christmas had put in his stocking.

B.when B. add, on B. What


C. add, to C. What a

14. Workers ______ some chemicals ______ the water to give it a thorough cleaning. 15. ______ piece of important information it is! 16. When you ______ the work, please call me. A. finish doing A. don’t play A. truly, waiting

B. finish to do

C. finishes doing D. will finish to do C. not play

D. not playing D. truth, to wait

17. You’d better ______in the street. It’s too dangerous.

B. not to play

B. true, waiting

18. I felt ______ sorry for having kept you ______.

C. true, wait

19. Not only my brother but also I ______ in interested in football.

A. am B. are C. is D. be 20. What made the country______ so fast?

A. .developed B. developing C. develop D. develops


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Alice sang to the music with her hand waving ___________. (gentle) 2. The girl was so ___________ that she couldn’t say a word. (amaze)

3. With the ___________of economy, China is becoming stronger and stronger. (develop) 4. An abacus was one of the first ___________ machines. (calculate)

5. Nowadays ____________ appliances are widely used in our life. (electricity) 6. Trees are the oldest and biggest ___________ things on earth. (live) 7. China is a ___________ country. (develop) 8. Please read the ___________phrases. (follow)

9. If you want to keep __________ (health), you must give up smoking.

10. The fast development makes this silent town into a __________ (noise) city. 11. I can’t hear you __________. Could you say it again? (clear)

12. Mr. Jackson doesn’t like his job. He thinks it’s a __________(bore) job. 13. The little boy __________ (quiet) went to his room and shut the door. 14. What you say is very __________ (reason).

15. We landed on an __________ island. Nobody had been there before. (explore)

16. The person who is in __________ of a ship or a plane is the navigator. (chargeable) 17. No one has been on this planet. It is an __________ (explore) place.

18. The little girl asked me for a __________. But I could not help her. (favourite) 19. Towards evening yesterday, we found a _________ (lose) puppy in my garden. 20. Did you try to make _________ with Gork. (friend)

III. Rewrite the sentences:

1. What do you think of the lecture? (保持句子原意) __________ do you __________ the lecture? 2. Mr Smith works as a doctor. (保持句子原意)

Mr Smith’s __________ __________ __________ help sick people. 3. Gork shut the door very hard. (对画线部分提问) __________ __________Gork shut the door?

4. The charity organization will receive some money from the local government next year.(否定) The charity organization _______ receive _______ money from the local government next year. 5. Steve went to the meeting room in a hurry in order not to be late. (同义句转换) Steve _________ ___________ the meeting room in order not to be late. 6. John hurried to the station yesterday. (同义句转换)

John __________ to the station _________ __________ __________ yesterday. 7. The problem is so difficult that all the students can’t work it out. (改为同义句) The problem is ___________ difficult __________ all the students to work out. 8. George began to learn computer when he was ten. (改为同义句) George __________ begin to learn computer __________ he was ten. 9. The room is so big that it can hold 300 people. (改为同义句)

The room is __________ ___________ ___________ hold 300 people. 10. Mary has some beautiful pictures. (改为感叹句) __________ __________ pictures Mary has!


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