



第一部分 语言知识运用(共60分)



1.--Your sunglasses look so cool!

A.Thank you B.Don't say that C.No,I don't think so D.Not so cool

2. --Would you mind turning down the radio?I'm doing my homework. --____________.I'll do it right now.

A.Of course B.No,not at all C.Certainly D.No.thanks 3.--How is your new job,Lily?

--__________!I get on well with my workmates. A. It's hard to say B.I don't like it C.Wonderful D.It,s unpleasant 4.--Can you finish your homework before dinner? --______!I will finish it in five minutes. A.Never mind B.No problem C.I don't care D.T,m not sure

5.--Excuse me,Madam,is the museum open all day? --__________.Only from 8:00am to 11:00am. A. That's right B.Yes,of course C.I think so D.Sorry.I'm afraid not


6.--Who is______boy under the tree? --Oh.he's my cousin.

A.a B.an C.the D./

7.Don't make any noise in the hallways.The students________classes. A.have B.are having C.had D.were having 8.Jim knows much about China,_______he is new here. A. and B.80 C.though D.then 9.--Tony,how are you feeing now?

--Much_____________.I think I can go to school tomorrow. A.worse B.bad C.well D.better 10.--Do you like Xiaoshenyang?

--Oh,yes.I like the person_____can make me happy. A.who B.which

C.whom D.whose

11. Barack Obama(奥巴马),the 44th President of the USA was born_________August 4.1961. A.on B.at C.in D.of

12.The policeman asked the man______at 9:00 o'clock last night. A.what is he doing B.what he is doing C.what was he doing D.what he was doing

13.--What would you like,orange juice or coffee?--___________,I'd like a glass of water. A.Neither B.All C.Either D.Both 14.--Let’s play football on the playground.

--It’s so hot outside.I would rather at home than out. A.to stay,go B.staying,going C.stay,to go D.stay。go. 15.--Have you ever been to Beijing?

--Of course.Look,this photo_________there last year. A.is taken B.took C.was taken D.will take

16.--Mom.my shirt is too small.I can't wear it any longer. --OK,John! Let's go to the _______to buy a new one. A.lipary B.hotel C.hospital D.shop

17.--UncIe Wang,my computer doesn't work.Can you help me______it______?

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