


1. --- Do you know man over there? --- Yes. He is artist. His name is Li Yundi. A. the; an B. a; the C. a; an

D. the; the

2. Lily is ready people any time. She always gives her seat to someone in need. A. to help B. help C. helping D. to helpful

3. \this medicine and it will make you better soon,\the nurse says to the boy. A. to feel; sick B. feel; sick C. feeling; ill D. feels; ill 4. He very busy this week, but he free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is

C. will be; will be

D. is; will be

5. --- you him tomorrow? --- Yes, I am. A. Will; visit

C. Are; going to visit 6. --- What are you doing?

--- I'm reading the newspaper(报纸). There is in it. A. something interesting C. nothing interesting

B. anything interesting D. interesting something

D. are

B. Do; visit D. Are; visiting

7. There a charity show at the school hall next week. A. was B. will be C. has been

8. People at the community centre a big family. They are helpful and kind to each other. A. likes B. are like C. don't like D. look likes 9. --- Let's go on a trip to Hangzhou, shall we? --- That great. A. sounds B. listens

C. looks D. hears

10. --- How long does it take the train to get to Xuzhou from Nanjing? --- Maybe one hour. But why not it on Baidu? A. fix B. design C. look 11. --- Will you go to the cinema with me tomorrow? --- Sorry, I skating with Tom. A. go B. went C. have gone 12. People in Beijing PM 2.5 these days. A. worry

B. are worrying about

D. check

D. will go

C. worries about D. is worrying

13. --- I'm afraid I can't help you your problem. --- Thank you all the same(仍然). I can ask Fiona help. A. for; for

B. for; with

C. with; with

D. with; for

14. --- Thank you for sharing your skills with me. --- . A. That's really nice

C. That's great

15. --- your new job? --- I think it's usually full of fun. A. How do you think of

C. How do you think

B. You're welcome D. All right

B. What do you think of D. What do you like of


If you are in a supermarket and find no cashiers(收银员) in it, 16 you give money for the things?

17 neighbours are having a test of honesty (诚信测试) now. The supermarket in our 18 has a special area. People can buy small things 19 pens and knives in this area. They need to scan(扫描) their things, and then put the 20 into a box themselves(他们自己). 21 watches them. All of them like to be honest persons. The special area is running very 22 now. Hundreds of visitors shop here every day. The 23 of the supermarket says he will not 24 this area. I think the supermarket is doing a great 25 . Do you think so? 16. A. does B. are C. shall D. will 17. A. My 18. A. school 19. A. like 20. A. things 21. A. No one 22. A. poor 23. A. manager 24. A. close 25. A. lesson

B. We B. class B. with B. money B. Something B. bad B. policeman B. open B. problem

C. I

C. neighbourhood C. for C. bag C. Everyone C. right C. postman C. fix C. job

D. Me D. grade D. as D. name D. Anyone D. well D. waiter D. start D. work



My family move to a new flat. I have some new neighbours now. I think they are all good.

Ann's family My new neighbour Ann is a dancer. She is from the USA. She has two beautiful eyes and a very good-looking nose. She likes playing the piano. Ann's parents are both good doctors. And her husband(丈夫) is also a doctor. Last week, Ann and her husband went to Beijing. They visited the Great Wall and many other places of interest there. Ann's family members are all very nice. I think I have a good neighbour. Uncle Wang is a teacher. He teaches P.E. in No. 8 Middle School. It is a very good school in our city. He loves his students, so the students also love him very much. He often tells his students to pay attention to their health. Sometimes he plays football with them after school. In summer, he always takes them to the swimming pool. He's a good teacher. C. China C. A pianist.

D. Canada D. A teacher.

Uncle Wang's family 26. Ann is from . A. the USA B. the UK 27. What is Ann's husband? A. A dancer. B. A doctor. 28. Why do Uncle Wang's students love him? A. Because he teaches P.E. well.

B. Because he loves his students. C. Because he plays football with them.

D. Because he often tells his students to pay attention to their health. A. 注意

B. 保管

C. .照顾

D. 忽略

29. The phrase \30. Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage? A. Ann loves music.

B. Ann and her husband went to Beijing last week. C. Uncle Wang is a helpful teacher.

D. All of Uncle Wang's students like playing football and swimming.


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