
8AU1 基础练习

I.Choose the best answer.

1. Mr. Stone is ______ honest man, and I don’t think he is ____ murderer. A. a…a B. an…a C. a…the D. an…the 2. In order to know more about places of interest, we should learn _______ . A. chemistry B. physics C. astronomy D. geography 3. My grandpa is __________________ man.

A. an 80-year-old B. a 80 year old C. an 80-years-old D. a 80 year old 4. Reading these books ______ boring, _______?

A. is…isn’t it B. is…aren’t they C. are…isn’t it D. are…aren’t they 5.Look!The children are _____________the ball games very much.

A. enjoying playing B. enjoy to play C. enjoy playing D. enjoying play 6. Kate is ______Form One _____Sunshine School.

A. in…on B. at…of C. in…at D. on…at 7. This camera looks like _______ one , but it is much more expensive.

A. a great B. a usual C. a kind D. an interesting 8. Tony said Jack was a good friend of _________.

A. he B. him C. his D. he’s 9. I like Jay Chou so much, but _________of my parents likes him. A. both B. either C. too D. neither 10. My hobby is ________ chess. I also enjoy _________ stamps A. play, collecting B. to play, collect C. playing, to collect D. playing , collecting

11. ----________is it from your school to the nearest underground station? ---- About fifteen minutes’ walk.

A. How long B. How far C. Where D. How soon 12. ----_______do you like the Bund?

----It’s the most wonderful place I’ve ever visited.

A. How B. What C. How many D. When

13. The boy has breakfast ________ home.

A. on B. from C. in D. at 14. We must keep the classroom ________.

A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned 15. She ________ know the answer, but I’m not sure.

A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must 16. There is _______ in today’s newspaper.

A. nothing new B. anything new C. new anything D. new something 17. ---- You look rather tired. ________ stop to take a rest? ---- All right. But I’ll have to work for a few more minutes.

A. Why not B. Do you C. What about D. How about

18. ---- Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when ________ for London? ----Yes, tomorrow afternoon. A. leaving B. leaves C. to leave D. are you leaving

19. ---- Will you please to write a short passage on “Meteor Garden” and ________ it to me this morning? ---- What about tomorrow? My computer doesn’t work now.

A. give B. e-mail C. take D. bring 20. There will be a volleyball match in our school, ________?

A. be there B. is there C. will there D. won’t there 21. ---- You don’t look well, what’s wrong with you, Wang Ming?

---- Last night I watched the football match and didn’t go to bed ________ 12 o’clock. A. when B. until C. as D. while 22. Don’t worry, sir. I’m sure I can run ________ to catch up with them.

A. slowly enough B. enough slowly C. fast enough D. enough fast 23. ---- Where do you think ________ he ________ the computer? ---- I have no idea. A. /; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. does; buy 24. ---- Is there anything wrong with my son, doctor? ---- ________.

A. Do it, please B. I don’t mind C. I don’t feel very well D. Nothing serious 25. ---- Can you tell me why ________? ---- Because I want to help the people there. A. do you go to Tibet B. did you go to Tibet C. are you going to Tibet D. you are going to Tibet

26. The old woman kept one black dog and two white ________. A. one B. ones C. those D. one’s 27. This kind of skirt looks ________ and sell ________.

A. nice; good B. well; well C. nice; well D. good; nice 28. This kind of car ________ Lanzhou.

A. is made of B. is made from C. is made by D. is made in

29. ---- How do you like this blue sweater? ---- I prefer blue, but this one is too ________. A. dark B. black C. deep D. white 30. I wonder if he ________ tonight. If he ________, I’ll let you know. A. will come; comes B. comes; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; will come II.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.

be keen on, enjoy playing, work as, come from, live with 1. Michelangelo, who ____________ a poor family, was trained at an early age like any other craftsman in Italy.

2. Mike ____________ his grandparents and was brought up in a small village.

3. Mozart_______________ playing the piano very much when he was still three years old. 4. My uncle has______________ an engineer for ten years.

5. Benly has a lot of hobbies, and he also _______________ badminton . III.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

1. I hope that you ____________ (write) to me soon. I’m looking forward to your detailed letter. 2. He will probably go to university after he _________ (leave) school.

3. This letter is from a boy _________ (call) Eric to Mary. The boy _________(study)in Britain. He ________ (see) the girl’s name in “Pen-friends” magazine. He _________ (write) to the girl last month. He __________ (want) to be the girl’s pen-friend as soon as possible and he is looking forward to ___________ (hear) from her soon.

4. She asked the librarian ___________ (polite) “Is reading ___________ (help)? 5. When he got home, he found his key ___________ (miss). 6. What was _________ (bad), she lost five more books. 7. The sick man is getting __________ (bad) than yesterday.

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