
Unit 5 Cliff Young, an unlikely hero克里夫·杨,令人意想不到的英雄

Unlikely|?n?la?kli|: not likely to happen; not probable 不大可能发生的 Eg: The project seemed unlikely to succeed. 这个项目似乎难以成功。

It's most (= very) unlikely that she'll arrive before seven. 她极不可能在七点前到达。 (unlikelier, unlikeliest)


1 Considered one of the toughest marathon events in the world the 875-kilometer annual Australian race a route from Sydney to Melbourne is a harsh test of endurance for the world's top athletes regardless of their age. 澳大利亚一年一度的悉尼至墨尔本的马拉松比赛全长875公里,被认为是世界上最艰难的马拉松赛事之一,对任何年龄段的世界顶尖运动员来说都是一项严酷的耐力考验。

[Meaning] The 875-kilometer annual Australian race, a route from Sydney to Melbourne, is considered the most difficult long-distance race in the world. It is a challenging to every athlete no matter who you are and how old you are. 【解析】 considered,介词,含义是“作为”。 regardless of,介词,后面接名词或名词性短语,含义是“不管,不顾”

1. tough [t?f]: having or causing problems or difficulties 艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的 eg: a tough childhood苦难的童年

It was a tough decision to make. 那是个很难作的决定。

2. marathon [?m?r?θ?n]: [C] a race that is run over a distance of 42 kilometers or about26 miles马


eg: On her second marathon, en route to Portland, she fractured a bone in her foot。在她第二次参加马拉松时,在跑向波特兰的路上,她摔断了腿骨。

3. annual [??nju?l]: a. happening once a year一年一度的;每年的

eg: They met at an annual convention in New York.他们在纽约年会上会面。 4. route [ru:t]: (1)[ C] a way from one place to another路线

eg: I normally run or bicycle the same route at the same time each day.我每天都在同一时间,沿同 一线路跑步,或是骑自行车锻炼。

(2) a way of doing sth. or achieving a particular result途径;方法

eg: Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route.研究者们正试图 通过一条间接途径获取同样的信息。 5. Melbourne ['melb?n]: 墨尔本(其一为澳大利亚东南部港市,另一为美国佛罗里达州东部城


6. harsh[hɑ:?]: 1) severe, cruel, or unkind严厉的;残酷的;苛刻的

eg: Ten days ago, I received some pretty harsh criticism. 十天前,我受到了一些颇为严厉的批评。 (2) harsh conditions are very difficult to live in and very uncomfortable恶劣的;艰苦的;严峻的 This laptop is definitely designed for harsh conditions。这台笔记本绝对是为恶劣环境设计的。 【近义】 rough, coarse, harsh,rude, crude这些形容词均有“劣的,粗糙的”之意。


coarse:指某物质地粗糙,加工等不精细;指人的言谈举止粗鲁,不文雅。 harsh:指外表粗糙、声音刺耳等。

rude:指某人的言行举止粗鲁无礼,缺乏修养。 crude:主要指未经加工处理尚处于自然状态的物质。

7. endurance [?n?dj??r?ns]: [U] the ability to continue doing sth. difficult or painful over a long

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period of time 忍耐,忍耐力

eg: The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance.这项练习将明显增强力量和耐力。 【近义】 endurance, patience这组词都有“忍耐,耐心”的意思,其区别是: endurance侧重指忍受艰或苦的能力, patience通常指不急不躁的容忍态度或能力。 8. athlete|??θli:t|: 1) a person who competes in sports 运动员

2) a person who is good at sports and physical exercise 擅长运动的人;健儿

9. regardless [r??gɑ:dl?s]: paying no attention, even if the situation is bad or there are difficulties 不顾;不加理会

eg: The weather was terrible but we carried on regardless . 天气非常恶劣,但我们并不理会,照常进行。

~ of) without being affected or influenced by sth.不管;不顾

eg: They will carry out this experimentation, regardless of what happen.不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个实验。


The young super-fit runners train for months before a competition and are under contract to prominent sponsors like Nike and Adidas who finance them and furnish them with a substantial support mechanism of money and equipment. 体能超好的年轻选手在赛前要进行数月的训练,而且还和像耐克和阿迪达斯这样著名的赞助商签约,这些赞助商通过强大的资金和装备支持机制为选手提供资助和装备。

[Meaning] The young and strong runners train for months for the competition. They have signed official agreements with companies like Nike and Adidas, who support them with a lot of money and equipment based on a sponsor system. 【解析】 be under contract是一个固定句型,表示“有协议,签合同”。 furnish sb. with是固定搭配,表示“提供,配备”。

1. super [?sju:p?(r)]: 1) prefix ( super-): more, better, or bigger than usual过于;超 eg: super-rich极富有 superhuman超出常人的 superglue强力胶 2) a. ( infml.) extremely good极好的;了不起的

Eg: Then they spent a super week at the seaside. 然后他们在海边度过了极好的一周。

2. fit: a. healthy and strong, especially because you do regular physical exercise 健壮的;健康的 fitness |?f?tn?s|: the state of being physically healthy and strong 健壮;健康

3. contract['k?ntr?kt] n. [C] an official agreement between two or more people, stating what each

will do契约;合同;合约

eg: What clause do you require in the contract?你要求在合同中订上什么条款?

[k?n'tr?kt]v. agree to do sth. or make sb. agree to do sth. by a formal written agreement(使)签订合同;(使)立约

Eg: You can contract with us to deliver your cargo.你们可以和我们签订合同,由我们负责运输你们的货物。

4. prominent[?pr?m?n?nt] : a.important and well- known重要的;知名的;显赫的

eg: The newspapers gave prominent coverage to the news. 各报在显著位置上登载了这条消息。 【近义】 famous, prominent, notorious这些形容词均含有“著名的,知名的”之意。 famous:普通用词,指传播很广,引起人们注意的人或事物。 prominent:指出人头地,为公众所熟悉,至少在地方上闻名 notorious [n???t?:ri?s]:指因劣迹而臭名昭著,含强烈贬义。

5. sponsor [?sp?ns?(r)]: n.[C] a person or company that pays for a show, broadcast, sports event,

etc., esp. in exchange for the right to advertise at that event赞助者;赞助商

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eg: Race officials announced a handful of new sponsors on Tuesday. 比赛官方星期二公布了几位新赞助人。

vt. give money to a sports event, theater, institution, etc, esp. in exchange for the right to advertise 赞助;资助

eg: Most students are sponsored by the National Department of Education。多数学生是由国家教育部资助的.

6. finance [?fa?n?ns]vt. provide money, esp. a lot of money; pay for sth为…提供资金

eg: He sells one each year to finance the next.他每年出售一项投资,来为下一项投资筹措资金。 (1)[U] the management of money by governments, large organizations,etc.财政;金融

Eg: The report recommends an overhaul of public finances.这份报告建议对公共财政进行彻底检视。

(2)(-s)[pl. ]the money that an organization or person has, and the way that they manage it (机构或 个人的)财务情况

Eg: Be prepared for unexpected news concerning your finances. 对关于你财务状况的意外消息要做好准备。

【派生】 financial a.财经的,金融的

7. furnish [?f?:n??]vt. (1)(fml.) supply or provide sth.提供;供应

Eg: The bank will furnish accommodation to the firm.银行将给这家公司提供贷款。 (2) put furniture and other things into a house or room为(房屋或房间)配备家具

Eg: Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques.许多经营者都想用古董装饰他们的 酒店

8. substantial [s?b?st?n?l] : a (1) large in amount or number大量的;多的

Eg: This sounds promising, but as far as we know, substantial investigation of the applicable rules has yet to be done.这听起来十分有前途, 但是据我所知, 人们对可应用的规则已经进行了大量的研究

2) consisting of or relating to substance物质的;材料的

Eg: People now care more about the spiritual life than the substantial life.现在人们更加注重精神生 活而不是物质生活。

9. mechanism [?mek?n?z?m] : n (1)[ C] a system that is intended to achieve sth. or deal with a


eg: What’ s the mechanism behind these traits?这些特征背后的机制是什么?

(2) part of a machine or a set of parts that does a particular job机械装置;机件;工作部件 Eg: Bomb has been detonated by a special mechanism.炸弹由一个专门装置引爆。


The contest takes up to seven days to complete and is a challenging test of fitness and strength even for world-class athletes who compete for distinction and a cash prize.这项比赛历时七天,即使对那些为荣誉和奖金而赛的世界一流运动员来说,这项比赛也是对体能和力量的严峻考验。 [Meaning] The race takes as long as seven days to finish and it is a hard test of physical condition and strength even for the world's top athletes who want to become famous and earn money by winning the race.【解析】up to含义是“达到,多至”,表示数量之多。

1. Contest/'k?ntest/n[C] a competition or a situation in which two or more people or groups are

competing with each other 比赛;竞赛

Eg: Did you hear who won the English speech contes?你可听说谁贏得了这次英语演讲比赛冠军? /k?n' test/vt. compete for sth. or try to win It竞争;争夺;角逐

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