



The Temple of Heaven, in southern Beijing, was first built in

1420 and

was rebuilt during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was the place where

the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties would admire the god and

hope for good harvest(收获). It is the largest group of buildings in the

world to pay homage(致敬)to god. The Potala Palace was built in the seventh century and it has a long history of over 1300

years. In 641, Songtsan Gambo, the ruler of the Tubo kingdom, asked his people to

It has 13 build it for princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty.

floors and is 117 meters

high. And it is made of wood and stone.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses (兵马俑) is the greatest historical and cultural

site (遗址) in Lintong, Xi'an, Shanxi Province. Emperor Qin Shi Huang began to

build it at the age of 13. It took 11 years. The terracotta figures(秦俑) have the same size as a real man. They have different heights, clothes and hairstyles because of their different levels.

The Mogao Caves (莫高窟) is formed by 49.2 temples, 25 kilometers southeast of the

center of Dunhuang. It is also called the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas (千佛洞).

(雕像)in front of the cave wall is 34.5 meters The largest statue

high and the smallest

is only 2 cm high. The art of Dunhuang covers more than 10 major forms, such as wall

paintings, music and dance and so on.

(1)The Temple of Heaven was first built .

A.in 492 B.in 641 C.in 1311 D.in 1420 (2)Songtsan Gambo built the Potala Palace for . A. the god

B. princess Wencheng


C. his people

D. Emperor Qin Shi Huang

(3)You can visit if you are in Xi'an. A. the Temple of Heaven B. the Potala Palace

C. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses D. the Mogao Caves

(4)The smallest statue of the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas is high. A. 2 cm B. 34.5 m C. 25 km D. 13 cm

(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The Pulala Palace is made of wood and stone. B. The terracotta figures are bigger than real men. C. The Mogao Caves is in the southwest of Dunhuang.

D. The emperors admired the people in the Temple of Heaven. 2.(2019?陕西)Dreams are like stars.You may never catch them,but if you follow them,they will lead you to success.Yan Ning is such a dream follower. Yan is a rising star in the science world.When Yan Ning was only a little girl,she dreamed of being a great scientist.After years of hard work,in 1996,she went to Tsinghua University to study biology.After graduating from Tsinghua in 2000,she went to Princeton University and finished her study abroad in 2007.Then she returned to Tsinghua and set up her own lab.At the age of 30,she became the youngest professor(教授)at Tsinghua.

Now.Yan,42,has become a leading biology researcher at Princeton.On April 30,she was included among the 100 new members and 25 foreign associates(院士)into the US National Academy of Science(国家科学院)

However,it was a long and difficult road for her to make such achievements.She said that in order to realize her dream,she experienced a lot of failures and pains.But she never gave up her dream.Instead,she followed her dream and fought for it.

She usually works at least I4 hours a day.Sometimes she even forgets to eat and rest and works until late night.She never gets tired because she thinks doing research is the most\.

In a TV interview,Yan encouraged young people to work hard for their dreams.\.\

(1)Yan went to Tsinghua to study in 1996.

A.chemistry B.physics C.medicine D.biology (2)We can learn from the passage that .

A.Yan wanted to give up when she had failures and pains in research. B.Yan never gets tired because doing research is the easiest job. C.Yan achieved her dream because she had the courage to follow it. D.Yan made these achievements mainly by asking others for help. (3)What is the best title(标题)for this passage? A.A Difficult Research.


B.A Dream Follower. C.A Smooth Road. D.A Famous University 3.(2019?陕西)Goreme is a beautiful town in Turkey.It is best﹣known for its strange rock shapes and hot air balloon trips during sunrise(日出).Here are some of the cool things visitors can do in Goreme. Stay in a cave( 山洞)hotel

Staying in a cave hotel is a special experience in Goreme.It makes you learn how people lived in stone caves hundreds of years ago in this area. Taking a hot air balloon trip

Over 20 years ago,people in Goreme began to fly the first hot air balloon in the sky of this little town.Now, there are over one hundred balloons flying every day early in the morning as the sun rises.It is the best way to enjoy the amazing beauty of Goreme. Visit the open﹣air museum

The open﹣air museum is about 15 minutes' walk away from the center of Goreme.This place is the first stop on anyone's journey to Goreme.It is made up of 7 churches(教堂)which were dug out of rocks.Among them, the Dark Church is the best protected.Recent studies show that all these churches were built between the 10th and 12th centuries. See the magical rock shapes

These unusual rock shapes are the most beautiful part in Goreme.They are made by the strong winds and heavy rains.Their shapes look like different kinds of animals.Every year,tourists around the world come to see the amazing art made by nature.

If you want to have a cool journey to Turkey,the magical Goreme can be a better choice.

(1)Goreme is most famous for . A.the cave hotels

B.the open﹣air museum C.the Dark Church

D.the strange rock shapes

(2)The best way to enjoy the beauty of Goreme is . A.flying on a hot air balloon B.staying in a cave hotel

C.standing before the rock shapes D.visiting the open﹣air museum

(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.The cave hotel is made up of 7 churches and several caves. B.This open﹣air museum is the first stop to visit Goreme. C.People began to fly the first hot air balloon 2 years ago. D.The magical rock shapes are made by human beings.

(4)Where do you think this passage may come from?


A.A travel guide. B.A sports report. C.A story book.

D.A history magazine. 4.(2019?本溪)A river was running happily in the hill, the valley(山谷) and the field. Soon it was stopped by a huge rock and the river was a little afraid and worried what it could do.

The rock said, \, baby!Where are you going?\

The river answered, \. My mother is waiting for me.\ The rock made fun of the river and said, \. Go back to the hill at once. You can't get there. Don't come back here again!\

The river was surprised to hear that and said, \(向前).There's no river that goes backwards(向后)!\

The rock became angry and warned the river. \back, you will have to change your direction. Don't want to run over my body!\ The river asked helplessly, \?\

\. Just don't come close to me!\

While they are talking, more and more water came here. Then it began to get out of control. The river ran quickly over the rock and the rock was washed pitifully.

The river said proudly, \weak person will change his goal and direction. A person who is strong will only go ahead and nothing can stop him!\

(1)The final goal of the river was to go to the . A. field B. valley C. sea D. hill (2)The rock wanted the river to . A. get out of control B. come close to him C. make fun of him D. go back to the hill

(3)The river ran over the rock .

A. slowly B. softly C. quickly D. carelessly

(4)After meeting the rock, the river became at last instead of being afraid.

A. proud B. helpless C. pitiful D. worried.

(5)The passage tells us that we should when facing difficulties. A. Avoid solving the problem B. become strong and go ahead C. change our dream directly D.be used to giving up silently 5.(2019?盘锦)


Films at the Museum

Two European films will be on this Saturday afternoon at the Museum


Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The workers will be at 3:45. For

further information, call 498﹣7898. Captain Good Fellow

Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Square on Saturday morning at 10:00. Free. International Picnic

Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on

Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not

expensive. Noon to 5:00 p.m.. Do You Want to Hear \

\, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US

concert at 8:00 p.m. at Rose Hall, City College, Sunday.

(1)How can you get more information about the films at the Museum Theatre? A. By writing a letter. B. By sending an email.

C. By making a telephone call.

D. By looking through the website.

(2)Children cannot enjoy at the City Square on Saturday morning. A. interesting stories B. funny games

C. wonderful pictures D. exciting dances

(3)Where can you taste delicious and cheap food on Saturday afternoon? A. At the City Square. B. At the Central Park.

C. At the Museum Theatre.

D. At the Rose Hall, City College.

(4)What can we do at Rose Hall, City College at 8:00 p.m., Sunday? A. See a film.

B. Listen to a speech. C. Watch an animal show. D. Enjoy rock music.

(5)What kind of writing is this passage? A. An advertisement (广告). B. A novel. C. A play. D. News. 6.(2019?盘锦)I walked into a stranger as he passed by me. \.\.

He replied with a smile and said, \, too. I didn't notice you.\

We apologized(道歉) and went for our own ways.

Later that day, when I was cooking, my daughter was standing too


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