

Part I Use of English (20 points)

Directions: In thispart there are 20 incomplete dialogs. For each dialog there are four choices marked ABC and D. Choose the O N E answer that best completes the dialogue.

1. —Thank you very much for helping me. —_____________________ 2.A. That's right. B. Yes,it's right. C. Don't mention it. D. I'd like to.

2.—Hello,may I speak to John? —_____________________ A. Yes,you may.

B. Please don't go away. C. Hold on,please. D. No,I'm John.

3 . C a n I speak to Mr. Li? —_____________________ A. No,you can't.

B. Sorry,but he isn't in at the moment. C. No. I can't find him at the moment. D. Who are you?

4. —Many thanks for coming to see me off. —_____________________ A. Don't thank me. B. You are so kind. C. Never mind. D. It's a pleasure.

5. —Thanks for your present. It's really nice. —_____________________ A. Yes,I think so. B. Never mind. C. I'd love to.


D. I'm glad you like it.

6. —Let's go for a flower show. What do you say? —_________

A. No,I wouldn't. B. I didn't say anything. C. Yes,I would. D. All right. Let's go.

7. —Do you want to have ice cream or just water? —_________ A. Come on. B. As you like. C. Yes,both.

D. Neither,thank you.

8. —Which do you prefer,meat or fish? —_________ A.As you like. B. All right.

C. Either will do. D. Nothing.

9. —Will you be able to come to the party? —_________ A. I believe,yes. B. I am afraid not. C? I don't hope so. D. I don't expect.

10. —-Would you lend me your pen? —_________ A. Yes,give you. B. OK, use it. C. Sure,here you are. D. It doesn't matter.


Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (30 points)

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Chose the best answer to each question.

Passage One

Everybody knows that the favorite food in the United States is the hamburger. It seems impossible, but people eat 34,000,000,000 hamburgers a year. This is enough to make a line of hamburgers around the world four times.

The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast-food restaurant. In these restaurants,people order their food,wait just a few minutes and carry it to their tables themselves. They can eat it in the restaurant or take the food out and eat it at home,at work,or in a park. At some restaurants people can drive up beside a window. They order the food,and a worker hands it to them through the window. Then they eat in their car.

Hamburgers are not the only kind of food that fast-food restaurants serve. Some serve fish, chicken,beef,sandwiches,or Mexican food. They also serve fries (French fried potatoes),shakes (a drink made from milk and ice cream),soft drinks,and coffee. Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is inexpensive.For many people,this is more important than the quality of the food. These restaurants are also popular because the food is always the same. People know that if they eat at a company's restaurant in the north or south of the city,the food will be the same,if they eat in New York or San Francisco, it will still be the same.

11. According to the passage,what food do Americans like best? A. Beef.

B. Sandwiches. C. Hamburger. D. Fries.

12. Where can Americans eat a hamburger? A. At home. B. In a park. C. In their car.

D. At any of the places mentioned above.

13.Fast food is .


A.delicious B. unpopular C. inexpensive D. of high quality

14. The last paragraph tells us________. A. fast-food is very popular

B. people like to eat in fast-food restaurants C. why fast-food restaurants are very popular D. you can eat fast-food any where in the US 15. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Fast-food restaurants are very popular.

B. People in the US eat enough hamburgers to make a line around the world. C. Some people eat fast food in parks.

D. People can eat fast food at work or in a park.

Passage Two

Going to court can be frightening,especially if you area child. You may have to stand up in the witness box,and swear to tell the truth and answer questions in front of a crowd of adults. It would be even more frightening if you were the victim of a crime and you had to sit in the same courtroom as the person accused of attacking you,for instance.

So the law in Britain has made it easier for children to act as witnesses. Children are allowed to tell what they know,from another room in the same courthouse,in this way they do not have to face all those people in the courtroom.

It works on a closed-circuit (闭路的)television link,which means that the TV only operates inside the court. The child witness sits in a room with a social worker in front of a TV camera. Everyone in the court room can see the child on a TV screen,but the child can only see the judge and the lawyers who will ask him or her questions. The system has been so successful that it will be extended to more courts this year.

Another way to make it easy for a child to act a witness is to set up a screen in the court room around the witness box so that the child cannot see the defendant (被告).

Information given by children can be very important to a court trial,butbefore1988 the law did not really recognize that children told the truth. It stated that anything a child said in court had to be  supported by other evidence in the case.


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