

课题序号 授课课时 授课章节 名称或课题

Unit1 授课班级 Hello,everyone(1) 1

Listening and speakingA recorder


1503 New




1. To direct Ss to learn to pronounce new words and phrases. 2. Enable ss to learn to great each other

3. By practing the new words and phrases,help Ss master some language points.

1. Help Ss to pronounce new words and Phrases in

this part

2. Enable ss to learn to great each other

教学难点 更 新 、 补 充、删 节内 容

1. Some words and Phrases in this part

教学内容和过程 师生活动

师: Step 1 Leading-in

导入 1.The teacher and the students great each other. The teacher will

behin with like this:


(1)what did you do in your summer holiday?


(2)which do you think is the most interesting thing? 生: (3)Anyone of you travelled outside?


2.If someone travelled , ask him /her easy questions like:


Can you talk about the interesting places?The other Ss can ask him

发言 or her

any questions if they want to learn .

师: Step2 Warm-up

1.Learn the new words and useful expressions in this unit.


2.Greet students in different ways.


3.Students look at the pictures and complete the conversations 组with the 织 correct sentences from the box. 设4. Students read the titles and use them to role-play a 计 conversation with 生: their partners.


Step 3 Listening and Speaking A 音

1. Let the students understand the possible choices. 跟读 2. Ask the students to guess : What is their relationship? Then listen to the conversation to check their prediction.

角色演练 师:

3. Ask the students to listen again and underline the greetings and




introductions in the conversation. 4. Students learn the Useful Expressions.



5. Students use the expressions to introduce themselves to their partners. 6. Students work in groups of three and complete the conversation . Step 4 Practising of Listening and Speaking A


1.Listen to the tape words and

difficult sentences.

2.Ask the Ss to read over

for a third time learningstrategy and circle new difficult 师:a”nd, ask the Ss to think 专业资料整理

练习 展示


it “WORD格式

before reading the passage.


1) First get into groups: Teach a paragraph for the Ss. The Ss read the


paragraph silently, then summarize the paragraph in their own words and


share their summaries with the group.


记 2) Do the reading and understanding exercises twice so that the Ss have


chances to practice their spoken English and check their understating about


the dialogue .


3) Ask the Ss to underline the points that they don ’t understand.

4) Ask the Ss to read the article one by one in group, choose a student to take part in competition. Step 5 Further Reading

1. Students listen to the tape.

2. Students read after the tape and try to express four different ways of greetings using their body language.

3. Let the students think over the meaning of four different ways of greetings .

4. Provide much more greeting ways in different countries. 5. Try to act out each way of greeting. Step6 Language points

1. Got it=I ’ve got it=I ’ve know/understood it 2. call

(1) call sb.sth (2) call sb. To do sth

(3) call on sb. (4) Call at sb’s 3. hope

(1) hope to do (2) hope that-clause (3) hope, wish

eg.wish sb. To do sth(T) 4. hope sb. To do sth(F) Step7 Summary

Students understand different ways of greeting.

Unit1 Hello,everyone (1) Language points

1. Got it=I ’ve got it=I know/understood it 2. call

a) call sb.sth

b) call sb. To do sth c) call on sb.

d) Call at sb ’s 3. hope

a) hope to do

b) hope that-clause c) hope, wish

eg. wish sb. To do sth(T)

hope sb. To do sth(F) 1. 学案 P1 翻译并背诵词组 2.朗读并背诵单词





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