初中英语 外研社八下Module1Unint1 It smells delicious知识点讲解

外研社八年级下册Module1Unit 1 It smells delicious.


知识点1:(高频)try/trai/ n.尝试;努力 v.尝试;试图 eg:Mum,can I have a try?妈妈,我能试试吗?

考向一:try作名词时,常见短语:have a try 试试看,尝一尝。

eg:This game is very interesting.Do you want to have a try? 这个游戏非常有趣。你想试一试吗?

考向二:(难点)辨析try to do sth.和try doing sth.

try to do sth. “努力去做某事”,I tried to finish the work on time. 强调动作,表示努我尽力按时完成工作。 力、设法去做,但还没有实现,不强调结果。 try doing sth. “尝试着做某事”,Why don't you try doing the work 只是一种新的尝in another way? 你为什么不试试,并没有明显的试用别的方法来做这份工作呢? 目的性 巧记try doing与try to do


考向三:含有动词try的常见短语: try one's best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事;try on 试穿(衣服等);try out 试验。 eg: You should try your best to do it well. 你应该尽最大努力做好这件事情。

典型例题:If you want to buy this dress,you'd better______first to make sure it fits you.(聊城)

A.pay for it B.take it off C.tidy it up D.try it on

知识点二: (高频)afraid/?freid/adj.担心的;害怕的

考向一:I'm afraid I...常用于有礼貌地拒绝他人,意为“恐怕我……”。

eg:I'm afraid I can't go to the zoo with you this Sunday. 恐怕这个星期日我不能和你一起去动物园。


考向二:I'm afraid so/not.常用在日常交际中,意为“恐怕是这样/不行。”

eg:—Will you be back before 10 o'clock? 10点前你会回来吗? —I'm afraid not.恐怕不行。

考向三:(易错)【辨析】be afraid to do sth.与be afraid of(doing)sth.

be afraid to do sth. 由于害怕而不敢做某The child is afraid to 事 go out at night.这个孩子不敢夜晚外出。 be afraid of(doing)害怕某物;担心某事I'm afraid of falling sth. 可能发生 into the swimming pool.我担心会掉进游泳池里去。 巧辨be afraid of doing与be afraid to do


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