湖南财政经济学院毕业论文(设计) 第 I 页
摘 要
湖南财政经济学院毕业论文(设计) 第 II 页
Research on Risk Control of Enterprise Operation in
Author: Chen Jijun Tutor: Shao Zifu
The enterprise debt management is the most enterprises are confronted with a mode of operation. Liability operation of enterprises on one hand can effectively reduce the weighted average capital cost, financial leverage effect, is advantageous to the enterprise on the inflation risk, is advantageous to the enterprise to control right to maintain; on the other hand the enterprise debt management will produce the effect of financial lever, make the enterprise faces the insolvency risk and risk financing. This paper wants to study the liability operation of enterprises, make enterprises avoid risks, play to their maximum benefit. This paper is through the analysis of enterprise operation in debt risk and its causes, and put forward the enterprise is indebted management risk control strategy. This article from the enterprise operating liabilities of the definition, characteristics and significance of enterprise operation in debt; elaborated in the enterprise financial lever benefit, weighted average capital cost, corporate control right to maintain and passed on the inflation risk of advantage; then analyzed the operating risk of enterprise in debt causes, including internal and external; then focuses on the analysis of enterprise operation in debt the main risk; finally, the enterprise is indebted management control strategy. As long as the enterprises according to the enterprises strategy of indebted management control management, can the community will be idle funds to the production and operation places where they are needed most, to maximize the use of funds to improve efficiency, make its full appreciation function, enterprises realize the maximization of resource utilization, and achieve its business plan and sales target, raise the economic benefits of the enterprise.
Keywords:debt management, causes, risk, control strategy
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