

21.My neighbor asked me to go for ______ alk, but I don’t think I’ve got ______ energy. A.a; 不填

B.the; the


D.a; the

22.Collecting stamps as a hobby___________ increasingly popular during the past fifty years. A.becomes


C.has become

D.had become

23.To everybody's surprise, the fashionable young lady ___________ to be a thief. A.found out

B.proved out

C, put out

D.turned out

24.America as____________ as first called\A.that



D.the place

25.In Sitzerland, six miles est of Geneva,___________ a collection of laboratory buildings. A.lie

B.are lying C.lies


26.ith summer coming on, the eather gets hot _________. A.day after day B.day and night C.day in and day out

D.day by day

27.I ould have come to see you earlier, but I __________ too busy. A.had been



D.ould be

28.—Thank you very much.

—Not at all , I as____________ glad to help. A.too

B.only too

C.not so


30.The British are not so familiar ith different cultures and other ays of doing things, ___________ is often the case in other countries





31.—ill you go fishing ith me? —___________.

A.No, I'll be very busy

B.Yes, I'll be glad

C.Certainly, I'll be sorry 32.Is this the restaurant ___________ ? A.hich you ork C.for hich you ork

D.Certainly, I'll be glad to

B.in hich you ork D.here you ork in

33.Bread and butter____________ for breakfast in many Chinese homes noadays. A.serve


C.is served

D.are served

34.—here is Xiao ang?

—I don't kno.He__________ be in the library. A.can

B.must C.might


35.—Do you like the material? —Yes, it ___________ very soft. A.is feeling B.felt


D.is felt

【答案】 21-25 D CDCC 26-30 DCBCA 31-35 DBCCC



1.一I onder if I could possibly use your car for tonight? 一 .I’m not using it anyho.

A.Sure,go ahead B.I don’t kno C.Yes,indeed D. I don’t care

2.If you ant to be success,to study at University of Princeton is right for You. A./;the B.the;a C.a;the D.a;/

3.His ife is constantly finding ith him,hich makes him very angry. A.fault B.error C.shortcoming D.mistake

4. After five years of preparation,Shanghai presented the orld many said as the greatest

Special Olympics.

A.that B.hich C.here D.hat

5 President Hu said that Africa-China relations had progressed ith fruitful co-operation in many ne fields.

A.smoothly B.peacefully C.quietly D.highly 6 -Jim! Did you have a good time at the party?

-Yes,but ith all this ork on hand,I really there. A.needn’t have been B.couldn’t have gone C.shouldn’t have been D.shouldn’t have gone 7.Of the to best-sellers,hich do you think is to me? A.a suitable one B.more suitable C.a more suitable D.the mole suitable

8.I've visited lots of places and stayed in varieties of hotels,but none of them this one. A.suits B.matches C.compares D.beats

9. Most of us kno e should cut don on fat.But knoing such things isn’t much help it comes to shopping and eating.

A.since B.as C.after D.hen

10.Man’s shopping can be and often is completed in five minutes,hich is less than a quanrter .

A.that of a oman B.of that of a oman C.of a oman’s D.that of a oman’s 11.It is a foolish act to notes during a test as you ill be severely punished A.stick to B.refer to C.keep to D.point to 12.--Peter,I oe you all apology for hat I said about you the other day. 一 A.You’re elcome B.Sorry C.Forget it D My pleasure

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