
专题一 听力理解


题型1 句子理解题

听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,每个句子读两遍。 1.The music is so loud that he can’t stand it. 2.The boy used to play the violin when he was young. 3.Jack watched a soccer game too late last night,so he fell asleep in class. 4.Mr.Brown tried to repair his car after the accident. 5.The children are going on a visit to the museum.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案:1~5 BDAEC 题型2 对话理解题


听下面五段对话,选择正确答案:。每段对话读两遍。 W:Hi,Tom!How are you getting along with your study? M:Very well,and I am doing best in Chinese. 1.What’s Tom good at? A.Chinese. B.Math. C.English. 答案:A

M:You had better change your clothes;you are wet all over. W:Thanks a lot.I will do that soon. 2.What will the woman do? A.She will do some housework. B.She will change her clothes. C.She will go to a party. 答案:B

W:Oh,look!There is a police car behind us. M:What?What did we do then? 3.What’s behind the man and the woman? A.A pretty cat. B.A policeman. C.A police car. 答案:C

M:May I take a look at the paper? W:Sorry,you can’t.It’s one of the secrets in my life. 4.Why doesn’t the woman let the man take a look at the paper?

A.Because she doesn’t like him at all. B.Because she wants to keep it secret.

C.Because she wants to show it to him later. 答案:B

M:Hello!This is Thomas Brown.May I speak to Jane? W:Oh,she is not in now.Would you like to leave her a message? 5.Where are they talking? A.At home.

B.In the street. C.On the telephone. 答案:C




M:Excuse me,Madam.Have all the cases come here yet? W:I think so.Can I help you? M:I’ve been waiting here for my bags for nearly an hour.I only have a few minutes left to catch the plane to Washington. W:Please wait a moment. M:Thank you. W:Sorry,sir.Your bags were left behind in Paris.They won’t arrive in New York until late this evening. M:Oh,that’s terrible.Do I have to miss my plane? W:We’re very sorry,sir.You can either leave today and pick up your bags in Washington tomorrow,or wait till your bags arrive and stay in a hotel tonight.Our company will pay for your hotel and get you a flight to Washington early tomorrow morning. M:Well,in that case I’d better catch my flight now.Bye! 1.What do we know about the man’s bag? A.They are lost.

B.They’re left behind. C.They’re broken. 答案:B

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In New York. B.In Paris.

C.In Washington. 答案:A

3.What does the man decide to do in the end? A.Stay in a hotel. B.Wait for his bags. C.Catch the plane. 答案:C

听第2段对话,回答4~6题。 M:Hi,are you being helped? W:No,I’m not.I’m interested in some scarves. M:All our scarves are in this section.What do you think of this one here?It’s made of silk. W:Hmm,it looks nice,but I’d like to have something warm for the winter. M:Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf.How about this one? W:I think that’s what I want.How much is it? M:It’s seventy dollars. W:It’s a little expensive.Do you think it’s possible to get a discount? M:Hmm,since you like it so much,how about 10 percent off the price?That’s the best I can offer. W:That’s good.Could you wrap it up for me? M:Sure.Is there anything else I can get for you? W:No,that should be it.Thank you. 4.What type of scarf does the woman buy? A.A silk one. B.A wool one. C.A cotton one. 答案:B

5.How much does the woman pay for the scarf? A.10 dollars. B.63 dollars. C.70 dollars. 答案:B

6.What is the relationship between the two speakers? A.Husband and wife. B.Teacher and student. C.Salesman and customer. 答案:C

题型3 短文理解题



Mr.and Mrs.Black went to see the movie yesterday evening.They couldn’t leave their son at home alone,because he was only ten months old.They had to take him to the cinema.When they walked in,an office worker stopped them and said,“You’ll have to get out if your little son cries,but you can get all your money back.” Forty minutes later,Mr.Black asked his wife,“What do you think of the movie?” “It’s too boring!” answered his wife.“I don’t like it,either.” Mr.Black said,“Why not wake up our son and let him cry?” 1.Where did Mr.and Mrs.Black go yesterday evening? A.The cinema.

B.The supermarket. C.The restaurant. 答案:A

2.How old was their son? A.Two months old. B.Eight months old. C.Ten months old. 答案:C

3.Who stopped them when they walked in?

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