
。 。 。 。 内部文件,版权追溯 内部文件,版权追溯 Section Ⅱ Word power & Grammar and usage


enthusiastic exist base treasure pick up take off dream of send up 1.This plant only in Australia. 答案:exists 2.He becoming a movie star when he was young. 答案:dreamed of 3. your shoes before you step into the room. 答案:Take off 4.She the telephone and dialed his number. 答案:picked up 5.The company has its in America,and its branch offices are all over the world. 答案:base 6.It is said that they buried their on this island. 答案:treasure


7.China its second unmanned lunar probe. 答案:sent up 8.They love music.They are about learning music. 答案:enthusiastic 二、用所给词的适当形式填空

1.You don’t need to describe her.I (meet)her several times. 答案:have met 2.Since she left home,I (not sleep)well at all. 答案:haven’t been sleeping

3.The price (go)down,but I doubt whether it will remain so. 答案:has gone 4.When I (study)the book I’ll write a report on it. 答案:have studied 5.I wonder why Jenny (not write)to us recently.We should have heard from her by now. 答案:hasn’t written

6.We are sure to pass the exam because we (prepare)for it these days. 答案:have been preparing 7.The little girl (play)for several hours since she got to the beach. 答案:has been playing 8.It (rain)all the week. 答案:has been raining 2

9.They (not get in touch)with each other recently. 答案:haven’t got in touch

10.It is the second time that he (be) here. 答案:has been 11.I understand what he (say)to me. 答案:has said 12.He (be)away from here for three years. 答案:has been 13.The CCTV (broadcast)English programmes. 答案:has been broadcasting 14.He (write)since 8 o’clock this morning. 答案:has been writing 15.I’m very tired.I (play)football. 答案:have been playing 16.His books (become)very popular with teenagers since the end of 1990s.Many students (write)to him after reading them. 答案:have become;wrote 17.No one knew when the fire (break out),but they knew it (put out)the next morning.

答案:broke out;was put out 18.I have no idea what (happen)while I was asleep. 答案:happened 19.Great changes (take place)in the past ten years.


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