


本试卷分第Ⅰ 卷(选择题)和第 Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷1至14页,第Ⅱ卷15至16,满分150分。



1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0.5 毫米的黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓、名准考证号填写清楚,并贴好条形码。请认真核对条形码上的准考证号、姓名”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致。

2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案的标号。第 Ⅱ卷用0.5 毫米的黑色签字笔在答题卡上书写作答。在试题卷上作答,答案无效。






听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给出的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How mony is the shirt? A. $19.15 B. $9.15 C. $9.18 答案是 B

1. What dose the man like about the play? A. The story

B. The ending C. The actor

2. Which place are the speakers trying to find? A .A hotel. B. A bank C. A restaurant.

3. At what time will the two speakers meet? A.5:20. B.5:10. C.4:40.

4. What will the man do? A. Change the plan B. Wait for a phone call. C. Sort things out.

5. What does the woman want to do? A. See a film with the man. B. Offer the man some help. C. Listen to some great music.


听下面5段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where is Ben? A. In the kitchen B. At school C. In the park

7. What will the children do in the afternoon? A. Help act the table.

B. Have a party C. Do their homework.

听第7段材料,回答8、9题。 8. What are the two speakers talking about? A.A family holiday B.A business trip C.A travel plan 9. Where did Rachel go? A. Spain B. Italy C. China


10. How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke? A. From young smokers B. From a newspaper article C. From smoking parents

11. Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies? A. He is just become a father B. He wears dirty clothes C. He is a smoker

12. What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do? A. Stop smoking altogether B. Smoke only outside their houses C. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Where does Michelle Ray come from? A.A middle-sized city B. A small town C. A big city

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