

I. 根据英文解释写出单词。

1. ________: something made of wool 2. ________: not possible

3. ________: at some future time 4. ________: the friend is a girl 5. ________: to pick the tooth II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. What a ________ (love) day!

2. Mary lives in a ________ (north) city of our country. 3. The four travellers are ________ (Canada). 4. We are all ________ (interest) in English.

5. Thomas Edison was a great ________ (invent).

6. An English-Chinese dictionary is ________ (use) for us. 7. Swimming is an ________ (excite) sport.

8. Who can tell the ________ (different) between the two words?

9. It was said that dinosaurs ________ (appear) about 65 million years ago. 10. He often goes to Wenzhou on ________ (busy).


I. 1. woolen 2. impossible 3. someday 4. girl friend 5. toothpick II. 1. lovely 2. northern 3. Canadians 4. interested 5. inventor 6. useful 7. exciting 8. difference 9. appeared 10. business

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