

10.A.control B.support C.decoration D.communication

答案与解析:B 考查名词。control控制;support供养;decoration装饰;communication交流,根据语境可知选B。 11.A.respect B.watch C.help D.encourage

答案与解析:C 考查动词。由what if no one ever helped her?可知我过去常常认为可能有一天,我会帮助她。

12.A.accepted B.introduced C.persuaded D.noticed

答案与解析:D 考查动词。但是当我注意到那个女孩,我想,假使没有人帮助她将会怎么样。

13.A.foolish B.perfect

C.simple D.educational

答案与解析:B 考查形容词。许多人想象中的救助系统很完美。foolish愚蠢的;perfect完美的;simple简单的;educational教育的。 14.A.care about B.talk about C.write about D.argue about

答案与解析:A 考查动词短语。这个救助系统不知道或是不关心她的存在。care about关心。

15.A.lose B.lend C.win D.waste

答案与解析:C 考查动词。由Maybe one day I would win the lottery,可知此处指假使我没有赢得一些钱将会怎么样。

16.A.admit B.imagine C.choose D.see

答案与解析:D 考查动词。假使她看不到那天怎么办。 17.A.cooked B.shared C.ordered D.prepared

答案与解析:B 考查动词。我和她分享了我的晚餐,并且把我身上的钱都给了她。

18.A.along with B.as for C.except for D.instead of

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答案与解析:D 考查固定短语。当保安过去的时候,我告诉他们要帮助她,而不是像往常一样驱赶她。

19.A.worry about B.laugh at C.wait for D.begin with

答案与解析:C 考查固定短语。由Now is that one day — not tomorrow, not next week.可知不要等待那一天的到来。

20.A.sickness B.suffering C.nervousness D.loneliness

答案与解析:B 考查名词。如果你可以做一些事情来减轻别人的苦难,那么不要等到遥远的未来的某一天再去做。sickness疾病;suffering苦难;nervousness紧张;loneliness孤独。


I just come back from Britain last week. I was luckily enough to be one of the student from different countries to visit the UK from Feb. 16 to 28. We paid a visit to many places, like London, Oxford or the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, where are my favorite. I also like Oxford, in which I saw much old buildings. The Lake District is beautiful, but it was pity that it rained heavily when they were there. The most excited thing for me in the Britain was that I made a lot of friends there.


I just come back from Britain last week. I was luckily



enough to be one of the student from different countries to visit the UK


from Feb. 16 to 28. We paid a visit to many places, like London, Oxford or the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in


London, where are my favorite. I also like Oxford, in which I saw much



old buildings. The Lake District is beautiful, but it was ∧ pity that it


rained heavily when they were there. The most excited thing for me in



Britain was that I made a lot of friends there.

①答案与解析:come→came 根据时间状语“last week”可知,句子应用一般过去时。故将come改为came。

②答案与解析:luckily→lucky 系动词was后面跟形容词lucky

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③答案与解析:student→students one of the后面跟可数名词的复数形式,表示“……之一”。故将students改为students。

④答案与解析:or→and 此处列举了作者去的几个地方,表并列。故将or改为and。

⑤答案与解析:where→which 此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词是British culture and history,关系词在从句中作主语。故将where改为which。

⑥答案与解析:much→many 后面的“old buildings”是可数名词的复数形式。故将much改为many。

⑦答案与解析:pity前加a it is a pity that...是固定句式,指“真遗憾……”,冠词a不可省。

⑧答案与解析:they→we 文章在讲述“我们”的伦敦之旅。故将they改为we。

⑨答案与解析:excited→exciting 修饰事物应该用-ing结尾的形容词,此处指“令人兴奋的事情”。故将excited改为exciting。

⑩答案与解析:删去in后的the 表示国家的名词前不需要用冠词the。故删去in后的the。

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