八年级上册期中检测(周周清)英语试卷 制题范围:Unit 1—5


制备人: 制题范围:Unit 1—5 使用时间:10月31日

(满分:100 分;考试时间:40分钟)


一、单项选择。 请把答案填到答题卡里。( 10分)

1、------Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? -----John ________.

A. clean B. does C. did D. is

2、We don’t have ________ to buy this sweater, although the sweater is______. A. enough money, good enough B. enough money, enough good C. money enough, well enough D. enough well 3、______she was tired, ____she didn’t stop to have a rest.

A. /, so B. Although, / C. Although, but D. Because, so

4、How was the weather yesterday? It rained _____. People could _______ go out. A. hardly, hard B. hard, hard C. hardly, hardly D. hard, hardly 5、Jimmy is _________ than his brother.

A. very outgoing B. much outgoing C. more outgoing D. outgoing

6、We’ll try our best to do the work with _________money and _________ people. A. few, little B. a few, a little C. less, fewer D. fewer, less 7、Although they are twins, they have nothing _________ common. A. at B. with C. on D. in 8、Our life is getting ________ now.

A. good and good B. more and more C. better and better D. well and well 9、What do you expect _________ from the book?. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learn

10、Tom doesn’t_________ the belt and Clark can’t _________ the watch. A. minds, stands B. minds, stand C. mind, stand D. mind, stands 二、阅读理解。请把答案填到答题卡里。(10分)

Last Monday John went to downtown. After John spent a long time shopping downtown, he got very hungry. Across the street there was a McDonald’s. He didn’t usually eat at fast food restaurants and didn’t know what to order(点菜). When he looked at the menu, it was hard for him to make a decision. Not only there were ten similar types of hamburger dinners, but there were also fish and chicken dinners. He didn’t know what to choose. He thought of asking the cashier for help, but she didn’t look very friendly. At last he chose a small chicken meal. “With so many choices, it’s not very fast food!” he thought.

11.Why did John go to downtown last Monday? A. Because he went shopping.

B. Because he bought some clothes.

C. Because he went to eat at the fast food restaurants.

班级 姓名 座号 1

D. Because he bought fast food.

12.Why didn’t John know what to order at McDonald’s? A. Because he doesn’t like fast food. B. Because he doesn’t mind fast food. C. Because he can’t stand fast food.

D. Because he doesn’t eat there very often.

13.What made it hard for him to decide what to eat? A. He was in a hurry.

B. He wasn’t very hungry.

C. There were too many choices(选择). D. The menu is difficult to read.

14.He didn’t ask the cashier for help because_____ A. He doesn’t like the cashier. B. He can’t stand the cashier. C. The cashier is busy

D. The cashier looked unfriendly

15.Why does John think the fast food is not fast?

A. Because it takes him a long time to decide what to order. B. Because the cashier didn’t bring him his meal for an hour. C. Because the cashier is not friendly.

D. Because the restaurant is too far from the downtown.

答题卡 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(15分)

1. My mother decided __________ (go) shopping this evening. 2. There are quite a few __________ (dentist) in the hospital.

3. Eating vegetables every day is a _________ lifestyle. It’s good for your___________(health) 4. I’m louder than the other __________(kid) in my class. 5. English is not as ____________(difficult) as math.

6. The teacher asks us to write as ___________(careful) as we can. 7. The food in the restaurant is pretty___________(worse). 8. It sells _________ (cheap) in town.

9. People went to the cinema to see the “ little man” _________ ( win). 10. We have a ___________( discuss) about the book. 11. However, he was always ready _________(try)his best.

12. People went to the cinema to see the “little man” _________(win).

13. He is much better than other actors at _________(find) the most interesting roles. 14. Jeff thinks it is easy for him _________(make) friends.

15. Exercise such as _________(play) sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.

1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ 6____________ 7____________ 8____________ 9____________ 10____________


11____________ 12____________ 13____________ 14____________ 15____________ 四、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(20分)

1. He is one of the most famous_________(魔术师) in the world. 2 .Why didn’t you buy _________(一些东西) for yourself? 3 . My brother plays at l_________ twice a week. 4 . Larry is much l_________ hard-working.

5 . In his early films, Mickey was u_________ and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend.

6. We didn’t have an u_________ so we were wet and cold. 7. What activities do you find e____________(令人愉快的)?

8. How many p_________ of the students use the Internet every day? 9. A good friend t_________ cares about me.

10. A lot of t__________ are trading at the market(市场).

1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ 6____________ 7____________ 8____________ 9____________ 10____________ 五、根据提示词完成英语句子。(15分)

All these shows have one thing in common. They try ___1____(look) for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most ____2___(excite) magicians, the funniest actors and so on. All ____3___(kind) of people join these shows. But who can ___4____(play )the piano the best or ___5____(sing) the most ___6____(beautiful)? That’s up to you ___7____(decide). When people watch the show, they usually play a role in ___8____(decide) the ____9___(win). And the winner always gets a very good prize.

However, not everybody enjoys ___10____(watch) these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are ___11____(make) up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. However, if you don’t take these shows too ___12____(serious), they are fun ____13___(watch). And one great thing about them is that they give people a way ___14____(make) their dreams ___15____(come) true.

1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ 6____________ 7____________ 8____________ 9____________ 10____________ 11____________ 12____________ 13____________ 14____________ 15____________



_____________________________________________________________________________ 2、他多久读一次英语? 每周三次。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3、你的弟弟和妹妹,谁更友好?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4、越来越多的人参加这些表演。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 5、这是最主要的新闻之一。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 6、汤姆走上了山顶,并且看到了一些特别的东西。


Tom __________ __________ to __________ __________ of the mountain and saw __________ __________.

7、Kate 几乎不玩电子游戏。

Kate __________ __________ __________ computer games. 8、我的兄弟和我相似。我们俩都喜欢打篮球。

My brother is __________ __________me. We __________ like __________ basketball. 9、今晚你打得看新闻吗? 是的,我希望了解世界上正在发生的事情。 Do you __________ __________ __________ news tonight?

Yes, I hope _________ _________ _________ what’s _________ _________around the world. 10. Now women __________ __________ __________ (发挥作用) in making our country more and more beautiful.


Jackie is a computer expert(专家). She does a lot of sport. Every morning she goes swimming before work. In the evening after work she goes running. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables. She doesn’t eat cakes. She doesn’t like meat, but she likes fish and eggs. She goes to the hills and walks and runs. She sometimes has a lot of work. Then she drinks coffee and goes to bed very late.

Karl is very big and heavy. Today, he’s 260 kilos. He needs a very strong bed and a lot of money for food. He also needs a helper. He can’t get out of bed—he’s too big. Every day he eats about 5 eggs, a kilo of meat and a kilo of rice. In the evening, he eats about six large cakes and watches TV. He drinks a lot of orange. Karl likes watching TV. He is very funny. He remembers funny things from the TV. He is a good friend of mine.

1. When does Jackie go running?


2. What’s Jackie job?


3.What unhealthy thing does she do?


4.What does Karl eat in the evening?


5.Does Karl have a healthy lifestyle? What should he do?



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