


Reporter: Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh? Miss Marsh: Yes, I have.

Reporter: Are you going to make another?

Miss Marsh: No, I'm not. I'm going to retire. I feel

very tired. I don't want to make another film for a long time. Kate: let's buy a newspaper, Liz. Listen to this!

\: Sensational News! By our reporter, Alan Jones. Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. She told me she had just made a new film. She said she was not going to make

another. She said she was going to retire. She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time.\

Liz: I wonder why! 【课文翻译】

记 者:您刚拍完一部新电影吗,马什小姐? 马什小姐:是的,我刚拍完。 记 者:您准备再拍一部吗?


凯 特:我们买份报纸吧,莉兹。 你听这段:



退休。她告诉记者她感到很疲劳,早就不想再拍电影了。” 莉 兹:我很想知道为什么。 【生词】

reporter n. 记者

sensational adj. 爆炸性的,耸人听闻的, mink coat 貂皮大衣 二【知识点讲解】 (一)单词扩展

1)reporter n. 记者 report v. 报道,报告 同时journalist 也有记者的意思,但更侧重于新闻工作者。

2)sensational adj. 爆炸性的(sensational news); 轰动的,耸人听闻的(sensational crime)

3)mink coat 貂皮大衣 我们常说的皮草(fur coat)

4)retire v. 退休,隐退 retire from 从...上退休 我爸爸去年从公司退休了。My dad retire from his company last year. (二)【语法讲解】 直接引语&间接引语 (一) 引述别人的话时,一般有两种方式:




e.g. ① She said, 'I am very happy to help you.\ ② She said that she was very happy to help you. (变化中,人称 I→she; am →was) ① \

② The students said they wouldn't be free. (变化:人称we →they, won't→ wouldn't) 注意:

1. 直接引语在改为间接引语时、时态需要做相对应的调整。 现在时它需改为过去时态;过去时态改为过去完成时;过去完成时则保留原来的时态。


(例:now变为then, yesterday。变为 the day before) 地点状语,尤其表示方向性的,或用指示代词修饰的状语,由“此”改为“彼”

(例:this 改为that)

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