
题 目



摘 要



关键词 :统计假设检验,假设检验方法,测量仪器常数,数据处理,测量控制网


Measurement is a great accuracy demanding discipline, and these error sources are mainly of category, figure out the error sources, and through the appropriate method to solve processing, is of great help to improve the accuracy of measurement.

The paper research is mainly based on the application of statistical hypothesis test, understand the principles and methods applied to the disciplines of surveying and mapping, in order to solve the error factors influencing the accuracy of measurement. Statistical hypothesis testing methods mainly include: u test, t test and chi-square test, F test, etc. Hypothesis test in the measurement of the main applications include the measurement instrument in the constant hypothesis test, hypothesis test, the initial datum control network and the test on the stability of the reference point, etc.

Key words: statistical hypothesis test, the hypothesis test method, measuring instrument constants, data processing, measuring control network

目 录

1、绪论 ................................................................................................................................................ 1 2、统计假设检验原理 ........................................................................................................................ 2

2.1、统计假设检验的基本原理 ................................................................................................ 2 2.2、统计假设检验的类型与基本步骤 .................................................................................... 2 2.3、统计假设检验的基本方法 ................................................................................................ 4

2.3.1、u型检验法 ............................................................................................................. 4

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