

--Hodo you go to _______ school? ---I usually take _______ bus A.the, a B./, a C a, a D the, /

17 — Is there _______ in today’s newspaper? — Oh, no, nothing

A interesting something B something interesting C anything interesting D interesting anything 18 ---Hoabout _______ in the river with us?

---Sorry I can’t.My parents often tell me not to do that. A swim B swims C swimming D swam

19.He had bread for breakfast this morning, _______ he? A hadn’t B didn’t C wasn’t D doesn’t - Do you kno_______? --- Next year

A will when he e here B when he will e here C where will he e here D when he es here

21 Excuse me Could you tell me if you _______ our party tomorroevening?

A will e B e C es D to e

22 I have been to that tall and modern building _______ my father works

A which B where C that D when

23—Tony, you must stop watching TV and do your homework — I _______ it already

A finished B have finished C finishes D am finishing 24 — Is that your best friend Simon?

— No, it _______be him He fleto London yesterday A mustn’t B may not C can’t D needn’t

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