


I Vocabulary and Structure (1point each;35points in all ) Directions:or each of the following blank1,four choices are given. You are required to choosethe most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each sentence. 1.I won’t pay them _______they work harder.

A.if B.in case C.unless D.lest 2. They succeeded at last after adopting an_______method.

A.effect B.affect C.effective D.efficient . 3.My problems are very ________to yours.

A.like B same C.paid D.exact 4. He demanded that I_______ the bill by Friday at the latest.

A.must pay B.pay C.paid D.to paid 5. The population of China is bigger than _______.

A.India B. India’s C. the one of India D .to paid 6. When I was a child ,I_______ice cream ,but I don’to like it now

A. used to like B,was liking C. use to like D. used to liking 7. The movie _______us of the pains brought by World War II.

A .was thought of B. kept C .reminded D .remembered 8.New problems will_______as the construction is under way .

A. rise B .arise C. arouse D .rouse

9.He would rather_______his opportunity to study abroad tan leave the research unfinished.

A, .made up B .take up C .give up D. carry out 10.I paid a visit to him last night .We had a chat _______coffee.

A .make up B in C. over D. by

11.David makes about $2,00a month as an engineer in a company .Besides ,he has another _______of income by writing technical books in his spare time .

A. resource B. source C. course D. result 12.Hats in this style are_______ with the young people this year.

A. widespread B. welcomed C. popular D .close 13.It was believed there was no limit _______the energy resources onour earth.

A. for B .off C .to D .on

14.His parents asked him to buy _______books he found useful and necessary for his study .

A .whichever B .whatever C. whenever D. however 15.Which is your_______way to travel,by plane,by ship or by car?

A. favor B .favored C .favorite D. favorable 16.Computers can solve many difficult_______.

A. files B .questions C. query D .issue 17.He has _______his purpose with the help of his friends.

A. files B. finished C. accomplished D. completed 18.Television can be a _______for spreading information.

A .middle B .medium C. media :D. ,mere 19.Rodert is reliable.You can______him

A. count on B. count up C .count to D. count for

20.The thought came to him _______his mother had been out for several hours . A .that B. who C. which D .whom

21.At that time,committee, so far as I know, _______of three scientists, two professors ,and four senior engineers.

A. composed B. comprised C. consisted D .made up

22.It was________then that I realiaed the importance of a good mastery of the language. A .until B. unless C. not until D .not unless 23.I’ll spend more time on English________I can pass the exam easily.

A. so that B .in order to C .even D. in order

24.Because of the adjustment the total output value if industry has deen ________ten times . A increased B doubled C. as much as D. the size of 25.British peoele would find it difficult to _______driving ,on the right . A. get accustomed to B .get along with C .make sense of D. make sure

26.The fabric is not real silk ,only an imitation. Here“imitation ”means_____.

A.假装 B.效法 C. 模拟 D.模仿制品 27.It_____have rained last night , for the ground is wet .

A. will B can C .should D. must 28.They have developed techniques which are _______to those used in most factories . A. more talented B .better C. greater D. superior 29.Only after a year _______to see the result of my experiment.

A.I began B.I had begun C. have I begun D. did I begin 30.Neither John nor his parents _______at home .

A ,is B. has C. are D .was 31._______in the fields for two hours ,.they took a rest .

A .Having worked B. Working C .Worked D Being worked 32,The soldiers marched down the street ,_______their flags.

A. waved B. waving C. being waved D .wave 33.Man must stop ____________the earth’s atmosphere.

A. filling B. emitting C .polluting D .wasting 34.The three hours I spent in the school library ________my old passion for reading . A. brought about B .brought over C. brought forth D. brought back

35.He was disappointed so often that he became ___________.

A. hopelessness B .hopelessly C. hopeful D .hopeless

II Cloze (1 point each; 10 points in all)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the one that best fits into the passage and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each choice .

When people die, different cultures dispose ___36___their bodies in different ways .Sometimes bodies are burned. Sometimes bodies are buried in the ground,In many ___37___in the past, people were buried with food ,weapons,jewellery, and other

things___38___might be useful in the next life. ____39___,the ancient Egyptians buried people with little human figures ___40___clay. These clay figures were supposed to work for the dead person in the other world.A religious group called the Parses exposed their dead on platforms for birds to eat .Some people practice ___41__second burial .After the bodies___42__in the earth for several years,the bones are dug up and reburied, sometimes in a small container.

These are just___43__of the many different customs that__44__in different cultures.Most of the time, the different ways that are the customs of different cultures are ___45__right ___45___wrong. It is simply that different people do the same things in different ways.

36. A. of B. with C. from D .to

37. A cultures B. customers C. habits D. hobbies 38. A .what B. when C .that D. where

39 .A. Such as B. Exemplify C .Instantly D .For example 40 .A making form B. made in C .made from D .made by 41.A .the B .a C. x D .an

42.A. has been B .have been C. had been D .to have been 43.A. a few B. few C little D. a little 44.A. are founded B. are finding C. found D .are found 45.A. both…and B. as well….as C. neither…nor D .whether…or

III Reading Comprehension(50 points) Task 1(2 points each ,10 points in all)

Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5questions or unfinished statements(No.46 through No.50). For each question or statement there are 4 choices .You should make the correct choice and put the corresponding letter in the bracket before each question.

I don’t often lose things and I’m especially careful with money, so I was quite surprised when I reached for my wallet and it wasn’t there.At first ,I thought it was possible that I could have left it at home. Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi , so I knew I had with me just before I walked into the restaurant.I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped out of my pocket while I was eating dinner.

Thinking about that possibility, I turned and walked back to the table where I had been sitting. Unluckily , there were several people sitting at the table at the time,. so I called a waiter and explained to him that my wallet had fallen out of my pocket while I was sitting at the table a few minutes earlier.I had the waiter go over to the table to see if my wallet was on the floor.

While the waiter was looking for it ,the manager of the restaurant came up to me and asked me if anything was wrong. I didn’t want a lot of people to get involved in the problem, but I knew I had to get the wallet back.I told the manager what had happened. He had me describe the wallet to him , and then be insisted that I report the missing wallet to the police. I told him that I didn’t particularly want to get the police involved in it ; besides, I was in a hurry because I had an appointment with my doctor in just a few minutes. I explained to him that my biggest worry at the moment was how I was going to pay the check. He told me not to worry about that .He had me write down my name and address, and he said he would send me a bill.

46. Why was the writer so sure he had brought his wallet with him ? A .He remembered that he didn’t leave it at home

B .He always felt his pocket for the wallet before he left home.

C. He believed his own memory. D. He had taken it out to pay the taxi—driver. 47. According to the passage, the writer most probably lost his wallet when____. A, he took it out to pay for the taxi B. he walked into the restaurant C he was eating dinner D. he was ordering his dish 48. What did he actually do when he walked back to the table? A. He asked the people at the table about his wallet .

B. He explained to the waiter what had happened a few minutes earlier. C. He himself started looking for his wallet.

D. He talked with the manger about what had happened. 49. The manager_________.

A. didn’t appear till very late

B. didn’t come at all because he was very busy C. came up pretty soon to see what had happened D. came to the table and found the wallet

50. Why did the manager tell the writer not to worry about paying the check? A. He was going to report the incident to the police. B. He could pay the doctor for the writer.

C. He would send the writer a bill later for his meal.

D. He was sure the missing wallet would soon be recovered.

Task 2 (2 points each, 10 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 19No. 51 through No. 55)

Nature has a number of different ways of burying and thus preserving the past. One way is by volcanic eruption (火山爆发).The most famous example is probably the great Roman town of Pompeii in southern Italy . The town was so quickly and completely covered with volcanic ashes from Mount Vesuvius one August day in 79 A. D. that the people of the town hardly knew what was happening to them. A second way may be seen in another part of Europe ,where the surface of the land in the valleys of the Alps(阿尔卑斯山)sank hundreds of years ago and was covered with water and peat (泥炭). This cover preserved the wooden houses, tools and weapons of the prehistoric Alpine lake dwellers. In Egypt, drifting dry sands have preserved brittle records for thousands of years. In Central America, the jungle buried and preserved some of the ancient cities of prehistoric Indian peoples.

51. Pompeii was________.

A. the capital city of Roman in 79A D. B. destroyed by volcanic eruption in 79A. D. C. completely covered with water D. quickly and completely covered by peat

52. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius shows that volcanoes_________. A. can occur at sea level locations B. often erupt without warning C. can change the course of climate D. once were very common

53. The author arranges supporting details according to _________. A. the order of time

B. the order of cause and effect

C. the order of importance D. the order of comparison and contrast 54. The author points out that____________.

A. damp climates preserve the past better than dry climates B. peat is created out of soil and water

C. the Egyptians left more records than any other civilization D. many people are familiar with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius

55. Which of the following sentences expresses the idea that even delicate objects can be pro

--tected by nature for many years?

A. Nature has a number of different ways of burying and thus preserving the past. B. In Egypt, drifting dry sands have preserved brittle records for thousands of years.

C. In Central America, the jungle buried and preserved some of the ancient cities of prehistoric Indian peoples.

D. This cover preserved the wooden houses, utensils, and weapons of the prehistoric Alpine lake dwellers.

Task 3(3 points each ,15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1w(No. 56 through No.60)

Unemployment rose from 7.5% in June, 1976, the highest rate since January of that year, the Labor Department reported. The main reason was a large increase—nearly 700,000 in the labor force , with a record 61.9% of the population over six-teen years of age working or actively seeking work .

That growth resulted largely from an increase in the number of women in the labor force , an increase partly because of a continuation of long---term and economic trends and partly because of a reflection of pressure on families to increase their incomes.

56. According to the report, which of the following statements is correct ? A. Unemployment in July was higher than it had been since January. B. Unemployment rose at a steady rate from January to July. C. Unemployment rose by about 7% from January to July. D. Unemployment rose above 7% for the first time in July.

57. Why did unemployment increase during the period discussed in the passage ? A. There are fewer jobs in summer.

B. Many companies had dismissed workers. C. The labor force had grown

D. Records have become more accurate.

58. According to the passage , the labor force has increased by A. 61.9 B. 700,000 C. 7.5% D. 7.8%

59. Which is said to be the main reason why more people are looking for work ? A. Teenagers start working younger.

B. Recent graduates have entered the labor market.

C. More people must have two jobs to make ends meet . D. More women have entered the job market.

60. It can be inferred that the labor force described in the passage is made up of _____.

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