


1. As a ________, I have to travel all the time to report the latest news. A. writer B. dentist C. DJ D. reporter 2. My parents _______a doctor when I grow up.

A. wants me to be B. want me to be C. want me be D. wants me being 3. What _______Mike last Saturday night?

A. is doing B. does; do C. did; do D. was; do 4. _______it got dark, ________ they still worked hard there.

A. /; so B. Because, so C. Although, but D. Although, / 5. The boy wrote _______to pass the test.

A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully 6. It's too crowded outside, so we decided______ at home on National Day.

A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying 7. ---There are many restaurants here. Which one would you like to go to? ----________. They are too expensive for me.

A. Not B. Never C. None D. No

8. ---How do you like your new teacher, Sue? —Oh, he's so _________and we can learn a lot from him! A. comfortable B. serious C. quiet D. talented 9.Steven studies ______for the test, so he _______plays with his friends.

A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard 10.The twins_____ the teachers in our school.

A. are both B. both are C. are all D. all are

11.---The Chinese women' volleyball team got the champion(冠军)in the Women's Volleyball World Cup in Japan! ----_________exciting the news is!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 12.— _____do you visit your grandparents with your parents? -----Once a month, because their house is not close.

A. How soon B. How long C. How much D. How often 13. ----Dad, you are ______taller than me! —Well, you'll be as tall as me soon. A. too B. much C. very D. so

14. In the past 70 years, China has made great achievements(成就).This makes all of Chinese full of prides. A. care about B. help with C. bring out D. filled with

15. ---Jenny won the first prize in the spelling competition, didn't she? ----Yes, she did. She is really something! A. fantastic, B. enjoyable C. interesting D. quiet 第二节 完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分l0分)

I often spend my summer holidays just with my parents. It is quite boring. But last summer holiday was __1___ . Some of my friends came to stay with my parents and me for a week at our summer house. It is in a small beach town called Portsea. They got there by train. It ___2___them three hours.

One morning my friends and I ____3___to take my parents’ boat for a ride. We rowed (划船) ____4___ half an hour and found a big cave (山洞). Susan said it could be dangerous to go into it. But Peter said it was okay. ___5___we started rowing again and got in. Then the tide (潮) started. At first we thought we could fight it but we were ___6___. We shouted for ____7___but there was no one around. Susan and I began to cry. Louis told us not to worry because the tide would be out. Because Louis always seemed to know the answer for ____8___ , we stopped crying.

Luckily, Louis was right ___9____. After some hours the tide went out. We rowed back home quickly. We didn’t ____10____my parents about this special trip. And we were so afraid that we would not have a boat ride again. ( )1. A. terrible B. Different C. popular D. difficult ( ) 2. A. took B. spent C. gave D. used ( ) 3. A. waited B. dreamed C. decided D. thanked

( ) 4. A. in B. on C. to D. for ( ) 5. A. Because B. So C. If D. Or ( ) 6. A. late B. wrong C. sorry D. busy ( ) 7. A. help B. luck C. fun D. time

( ) 8. A. someone B. anyone C. nothing D. everything ( ) 9. A. yet B. still C. again D. too ( ) 10. A. call B. show C. ask D. tell 第三节 阅读理解


A boy named Jack lived in a small village. One morning, his mother sent him to his uncle's in town. He had a very good time there.

Before Jack left in the evening, his uncle gave him a jar and said,\and take some when you want to eat something.\

Jack looked at the jar when he was in the train. It had a long and small neck. He put his hand into the jar and took five pieces. But he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand this way and that way, still he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand again. Finally he let go of four pieces. Then he could pull his hand out of the jar. 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. One day Jack's mother sent him to his uncle's house. 2. The jar with some candy in it had a large neck. 3. Jack only stayed in town for a whole day.

4.At last Jack only took one piece(块)of candy at a time.

5.From this lesson, Jack knew that he himself was too foolish(蠢).


People in the UK spend their free time in different ways. They usually use it to relax. They spend a lot of their free time at home. The most popular activity is watching TV. People in the UK watch TV for about 25 hours a week. They often record(录制)programs so they can watch them later. Reading is also a popular way of spending free time. People in the UK spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines. Many people in the UK have pets. They like playing with their pets in their free time.

In summer, gardening(园艺)is popular. And families often have a \”on the weekend. They often so to a festival or see a show. Young people like to go to clubs, and people of all ages like to go to the cinema.

In winter,“ do-it-yourself \修理)houses.

Some free time activities are with friends. Asking friends for a drink or a meal at home is the most usual one. Sometimes people and their friends have dinner in a restaurant.

On the weekend, people in the UK like to spend their free time doing sports. The popular kinds of sports are soccer, horse racing, swimming, tennis, skating, climbing and hill walking.

根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. Doing sports is the favorite free time activity of people in the UK. 2. Repairing houses is popular in winter in the UK. 3. We can find 6 kinds of popular sports in the passage. 4. People in the UK often record programs.

5.People of all ages in the UK like to go to clubs in summer.


This is a street crossing. There are red and green lights at each corner(拐角). Drivers must watch the lights carefully. When there is a green light, the cars may go on. When there is a red light, the cars must stop. They must wait until the red lights change to green. Then they can go on. Sometimes the cars want to make a right turn or a left turn. They can make a right turn when the light is green or(或者) red. But they must wait until(直到)the green light is shining if they want to turn left.

Some people are color-blind(色盲) , they can not see the difference between red and green. These people must not drive, or there will be an accident. We must keep our street safe. 1. Drivers must pay attention to(注意) ______ at each corner of the street crossing.

A. the red light B. the green light C. all kinds of lights D. the red and green light

2. When there is a red light,_________.

A. the cars must stop B. the cars may go on.

C. the cars may make a left turn D. the cars must make a right or left turn 3. Cars can make a right turn when,__________

A. there is a red light B. there is a green light C. there is a red or green light D. there is no light.

4. The color-blind people may have accidents because ______.

A .they are blind B. they can't see the lights C. they can't see the difference between the red and green lights D. they can't hear cars. 5. _________must not drive.

A. People that are deaf(聋的) B. People that are blind C. People that are color-blind D. All the above


Is the servant(仆人)clever or foolish?

This is an old story. It was first told long ago. A rich man wanted to make a journey to another town. He was a businessman. He wanted to take things to sell. He also wanted to take some gold to buy some things with. He decided to take ten servants with him. They would carry the things to sell and the food to eat on the journey.

He was a kind man. He said to one of his servants,\You can not carry a heavy load. You may choose the lightest load to carry:\biggest load. This was bread for them to eat on the journey.

“You are foolish,\said his master.“ That is the biggest and heaviest load.\and the journey began. They walked for four hours. Then they stopped for a rest. They all ate some of the bread. Then there was less bread for the servant to carry. The servant's load grew smaller and lighter every day. At the end of the journey, the smallest servant had nothing to carry.

根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(每小题2分,共10分) 1.The rich man wanted to sell things and

A. buy some gold B. buy some gold with the money C. buy some things with the gold D. sell some gold

2. Before the journey began, the rich man said something to _____. A. a businessman B. one of his servants C. the servants D. some servants 3.The weakest servant ________.

A. asked for his master's advice. B. followed the master's advice

C. refused(拒绝)to accept the master's advice D. took the advice another servant gave him 4. It took them ________.

A. less than four hours to finish the journey. B. some days to finish the journey

C. no more than four hours to finish the journey D. only four hours to finish the journey 5.The smallest servant was very ________.

A. clever B. foolish C. honest D. kind



The undersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to drive in the water to find the secret there. Scuba diving(水肺潜水)is a new sport today. ___1___ You will find many strange animals in the sea.___2___ Many sea animals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.

During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue and green. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. ____3___And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.

The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. It's cold, and it's dark, too. ___4__About 3.000 feet, there is no light at all. It is very dark in the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side.

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