
考点训练38 S2 B2 Unit 16 The United States of America


1.The mayor tried his best to __________(克服) a bad habit of bribe. 答案:overcome

2.He’s quite __________ (愿意的) to pay the price I asked.It is really a bargain. 答案:willing

3.After __________ (失业) my mother went to learn some skills in order to find a new job again. 答案:unemployment

4.Food,clothes,shelters and transportations are our __________ (物质的,身体的) needs. 答案:physical

5.When the fish was __________ (最后,终于) brought to shore,it was found to be over thirteen feet long. 答案:eventually/finally

6.We will __________ (碰运气) with the weather and go for a picnic. 答案:take a chance

7.He felt many years’efforts were not__________ (徒劳).His son was admitted into Nankai University this year. 答案:in vain

8.She __________ (坚持) my going to see her __________ (以前的) math teacher with her. 答案:insists on;former

9.The first of the new computers may be __________ (上市) in the new year. 答案:on sale

10.The teacher asked the students to introduce themselves__________ (轮流). 答案:in turn


1.(2010东北三校联考,33) Traditionally,the young are used to doing what they are told,but then their ideas would __________ in their brain and not heard.

A.be locked B.be rooting C.be fastened D.be tying 答案:A

提示:be locked in 留在??中;B 选项应为be rooted in;C 选项be fastened to。 2.I try my best to avoid __________ again.

A.her seeing B.her being seen C.being seen by her D.having seen her 答案:C


3.All their attempts to rescue the girl from the burning house were __________.She died soon afterwards. A.in place B.in vain C.in return D.in order 答案:B


4.I took the shirt __________ for 80 yuan;it used to be 150 yuan.

A.for sale B.on sale C.at sale D.in sale 答案:B

提示:on sale可作“降价销售”讲,也可说at/in a sale。

5.I had meant not to attend the party,but I really couldn’t __________ the temptation.

A.avoid B.defend C.insist D.resist 答案:D

提示:resist“抵制,抵挡住”;can’t/couldn’t resist sth.“禁不住??”。

6.The poor family lives __________ her poor salary.

A.in B.by C.on D.at 答案:C

提示:live on靠??生活。

7.Many people will die there __________ illnesses caused by the high temperature.

A.as a result of B.because C.as D.for 答案:A

提示:because,as,for作“因为”讲时,都是连词,用来引导从句;而as a result of后接名词,表示“由于??”。 8.Although the lecture had already been on for five minutes,I still was not able to find a chair __________. A.to sit B.for to sit on C.to sit on D.for sitting 答案:C

提示:to sit on是动词不定式作定语,修饰前面的名词chair。

9.The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports,each__________ one major point in contrast with the other.

A.make B.made C.is to make D.making 答案:D

提示:each making one major point...是一个独立主格结构作状语。

10.The local health organization is reported __________ twenty-five years of age when Dr.Adudon became its first president.

A.to be set up B.being set up

C.to have been set up D.having been set up 答案:C

提示:sb./sth.is reported/said/believed后接动词不定式;根据句意可知set up这个动作发生在report之前,而且是“被建立的”,故用动词不定式的完成被动式。

11.We __________ them $60 000 for the used car.Shall they take it? A.provide B.supplied C.offered D.show 答案:C

提示:offer sb.some money for sth.出价多少钱向某人购买某物。

12.It’s fashionable to drive a car,but to drive a car is not really as difficult as it is imagined on condition that you __________ the specialized rules.

A.insist on B.stick to C.give up D.connect to 答案:B

提示:“遵守(规则)”用stick to。

13.I don’t know whether you happen __________,but I am going to study in the U.S.A.this December. A.to hear B.to have heard C.to be heard D.to be hearing 答案:B


14.The book has nothing to do with my subject,so I will__________ for a change. A.dip into it B.check it out C.refer to it D.look it up 答案:A

提示:本题考查词语辨析。dip into 意思是“浏览,涉猎”,check out 意思是“付清账离开”,refer to意思是“参考”,look

up 意思是“查找”。

15.—What did you think of the concert given by the famous singer? —Just so so.In fact,it __________ to be a great disappointment. A.turned in B.turned out C.turned up D.turned down 答案:B

提示:turn in意为“上交”;turn up意为“调大(声音),出现”;turn down意为“调低(声音),拒绝”。根据题意可知turn out“结果是”符合句意。


European officials have approved new rules on the production and marketing of food developed through genetic engineering.

The new rules include stronger supervision of genetically changed food,seeds and drug products.They also require governments to keep public records of where such crops are grown.

Genetic engineering is the technology of changing the genes of living things.The changed gene directs the plant to do things it normally does not do.For example,the treated plants may produce more crops.Or they may resist harmful insects.This reduces the need for farmers to use chemicals to kill insects.

The use of genetic engineering in agriculture has been discussed around the world in recent years.Many American farmers and agriculture companies say such crops are safe.But many people in the United States and other countries disagree.

Some countries have closed their markets to American farm products because of concerns about genetic engineering.There have been large protests against biotechnology crops across Europe.

Officials in several European Union countries question the safety of biotechnology products.The EU has approved permits for fewer than twenty such products.In the past three years,European officials stopped approving permits because of concerns about public health and the environment. 1.What can we know from the new rules?

A.They require governments’ management for the genetically changed things. B.They tell us how to keep public records about the genetically changed crops. C.They teach us how to change the genes of living things. D.They tell us how to use chemicals to kill insects. 答案:A

提示:由第二段可知:新的法规包括对转基因食品进行监督,即要求政府加强对转基因食品的管理。 2.Which of the following statements is NOT true about genetic engineering? A.The genes of living things can be changed. B.Less chemicals are required.

C.The treated plants may kill more insects. D.More crops may be produced. 答案:C

3.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true? A.The EU has banned all kinds of biotechnology food.

B.All the people in the US are against the use of genetic engineering. C.Fewer than twenty biotechnology products are safe.

D.European officials are worried that genetic engineering might do harm to public health and the environment. 答案:D


4.Why do some countries refuse American farm products? A.American farm products are all genetically changed.

B.European officials disapprove the import of American farm products.

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