
任教者: 课程名称:《英语》 学年学期:

任教班级: 周课时数: 4

教学课题 Unit 1 Create an image 课型 New 本课题教时数:8 本教时为第1,2课时 备课日期: 6 月18日 教学目标: In this part, the students can 1. make sense of images 2. Listening skills 教学重点、难点:Making a guess; possible responses 教学方法与手段:Learn and practice. 教学过程: 教师活动 I. Warm-up: 学生活动 设计意图 Observe and practice The students can some 1. Some artists in Brazil drew the following the conversation in review pictures on a street. What does each picture daily life. stand for? conversations about traveling. 2. Match the pictures with the slogans in the box. II. Listening and speaking: A. What is it? Listen to the dialogue The students can and try to use the talk about some expressions in group information about 1. Look at the picture and guess what is it.Tick activities. your answer. Then listen to the conversation to check your prediction. where they go. 2. listen again. Then underline the sentences about making a guess in the conversation B. It’s all wrong! The students can The students can 1

1. Learn the words in the box.. listen to the dialogue express the 2. listen to the conversation and tick true or and get the meaning. false. information in the dialogue. 3. Listen again and complete the note with the information you’ve heard. III. Expression. 1. Learn some useful expressions in the part. 2. Make conversations about the following The students learn to The students can products. Use the expressions you’ve use the expressions make an dialogue learned.. and develop with their partners and express what 3. Work in pairs and develop conversations conversations based on the information given in the table. 4. Try to use the expressions you’ve learned. IV. Homework: Learn to use the expressions and train the abilities of speaking and listening. according to their they feel. experiences. 授后小记:The English should be more practical and useful. The teacher need more work to improve the class activities. 授课日期 6 月 19 日 教学课题 Unit 8 Create an image 课型 New 2

本课题教时数:8 本教时为第 3,4 课时 备课日期: 6 月 20日 教学目标: 1. In this period, the students can learn the meaning of the useful words and expressions. 2. The students can use the words correctly. 教学重点、难点:Learn the meaning of the words and expressions and try to use them. 教学方法与手段:Learn and Practice 教学过程: 教师活动 I. Words and Expressions: 学生活动 设计意图 The students should Make the student the learn and word the useful and 1. The students listen to the tape and learn the learn pronunciation. pronunciation 2. Explain the meaning of the words and meaning of the new expressions. expressions. And pay attention to some words. particular words and phrase: The students can the newly Be likely to do/that “有可能” 常和 more/less搭配使用,形容可能性的大小。 Besides, it was very likely that he doesn’t know such a lawyer. Regardless of 不顾,不管 Long--- length; wide---width; high---height 3. The students should read the words and expressions repeatedly to get them familiar. 4. The students should spend somt time remembering some words and expressions and prepare for the dictation. II. Vocabulary: The students use the use newly learned words learned words and to do some exercises. phrases correctly to 1. Learn the words and expressions describing Learn to how to do some exercises. 3

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