How to improve students' English reading comprehension-毕业论文翻译

How to improve students’ English reading


Abstract: With the extensive use of the network, the trend of globalization and the global village is getting closer and closer. English is increasingly highlighted the importance of language as a tool, the ultimate goal of learning English through mastery of the language, use it to get new information. How can I quickly obtain information? quickest way is through the reading material. Therefore, to improve English reading comprehension, students can better learn English. This article discusses the improving English reading comprehension methods and means.

Keywords:: English reading comprehension, improve, capacity The importance of reading English has long been known, but to master it, the spirit must not only have to endure hardship, but also the proper methods to guide, in order to improve students’ reading ability should be the areas to to the content of the material fully understand the reading speed to master the


examination skills between reading speed and content comprehension, focusing on understanding, improve your reading speed must be properly understood on the basis of, and training appropriate reading skills, in order to truly improve reading comprehension, but if you do not emphasis on reading speed, reading can not be completed within the specified time, is not conducive to the cultivation of reading skills.

How to improve the accuracy of reading comprehension (1) efforts to expand vocabulary Vocabulary is a prerequisite to improve reading comprehension, the larger the vocabulary, reading the smaller obstacles to understanding the word memory is not strong, and lack the necessary vocabulary knowledge is the cause of an important reason to understand the error. Some students will not use the context to understand and determine the meaning of the word, just accustomed to using their most familiar meaning of the word to understand, but most of the words in English polysemy, for example: He gets, water from the well here, well, no longer is the adverb “ to mean, but the meaning


of the term “well” if students do not know, often leads to the understanding of the sentence plausible, and even lead to misinterpretation of the entire paragraph. Therefore, we should be combined with the language environment to learn words and phrases, the language of the amount of information in the rich in the brain, improve the ability to respond to the written language, the kind of rote vocabulary or soon before assault word is not worth promoting. remember the prison only by reading to understand the vocabulary in a specific locale, the use of quasi-memory word should be careful to take these special features of the vocabulary, usage, and with the form, but also to grasp synonymous, near-synonyms, the same root and the same shape the difference and usage of the Different word. master the meaning and usage of the word “four”, English reading comprehension skills will have a more solid foundation, we must first learn and master the basic vocabulary, and then through The word mnemonics and word formation to expand vocabulary.

(2) a solid grasp of grammar Grammar foundation is not solid, the expressions of English habits


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