龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
关键字:串行接口 专用集成电路 FPGA UART 中断控制 VHDL
中图分类号:TN791 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-9416(2015)02-0000-00 Abstract: Serial port is a widely used interface form,generally uses the ASIC
implementation,,the circuit has more serial port,will greatly increase the PCB area and routing, as well as,,how to deal with the interrupt conflict problem of multi serial port,is also difficult。In order to solve these problems,for the actual application,a serial port communication processing module is designed in this paper.The designed module not only realize the general function of UART chip,but also solve the interrupt conflict problem of multi serial port by designing the interrupt controller。The circuit has advantage of simple and stable,and can be applied in the asynchronous communication with low baud rate。
Key words: serial port;ASIC;FPGA;UART;interrupt controller;VHDL。
串行通信因为具有传输线少、成本低、配置灵活等特点,得到了广泛应用,通用异步收发传输器(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter),是一种比较常用的接口电路,主要用于串行数据和并行数据的转换。一般该接口由专用的UART芯片完成,例如
FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),即现场可编程门阵列,它是作为专用集成电路领域中一种半定制电路出现的,既解决了定制电路的不足,又克服了原有可编程器件门电路数有限的缺点。FPGA中具有丰富的触发器和I/O口,采用描述语言(VHDL和VerilogHDL)进行设计,用户可以根据需要,描述出具有各种功能的电路。[2]